Divine White Living Room

A Spiritual Emergency

Haiti. Afghanistan. Delta. All this and more demands our prayers and other spiritual works of mercy, as Nurse Marie explains. Read more.

Why Does She Love Us?

In the 2017 film "Wonder," Isabel Pullman (Julia Roberts) watches her 10-year-old son, August (Jacob Tremblay), walk into school for his first day. It is not only Auggie's first day of fifth grade. This is Auggie's first day of school, ever. Read more.

When Death Is Defeated

Happy Easter Sunday! It's the day of the Resurrection, when death is decisively defeated and the end of the world begins. Read more.

Our Shared Calling

"In this time of the 'new normal,' with so many aspects of our lives recalibrated by the coronavirus, let's make a pact, you and I," writes Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC, spiritual director of the Holy Souls Sodality. Read more.

July Fourth 2020 - May We Revive Our 'Flagging' Faith

We need an antidote to worrisome and wearisome times. And this is it. Read more.

Purgatory Isn't a Day at the Beach

Ah, summertime, and the living is easy. Vacation. A few days at the beach. An afternoon picnic. And ... prayers for the suffering souls in Purgatory? Absolutely! No week or two off for them. Here are some summertime tips from acclaimed writer Susan Tassone. Read more.

Seal the Doorposts!

In this time of calamity, the Marian Fathers invite you to participate in a simple but incredibly powerful act of faith. To protect you and your family, we urge you to post an Image of the Divine Mercy on your front doors. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains why. Read more.

Divine Mercy: Now More Than Ever

Amidst this global pandemic, a new free resource is available to help healthcare professionals spiritually care for their patients. Read more.

On Keeping the 'Christ' and the 'Mass' in 'Christmas'

I received a letter recently from a fellow who finds himself in a predicament. Read more.

It's November. You Are Called to a Work of Mercy.

We begin a month of remembrance for Holy Souls in Purgatory. Do you know what to do for them? Read more.

Happy Birthday, St. Faustina!

On Aug. 25, we mark the birthday of Helen Kowalska. Let's take a look at how nature needs nurture. Read more.

After Suicide Bookmark Brief on EWTN

Father Chris Alar, MIC, was recently on EWTN to share about his upcoming book. Check out this short video to learn more. Read more.

July 24: Feast of St. Charbel

In the early 19th century, high in the mountains of Lebanon, Youssef Makhlouf gave his life to Christ in a radical way. Read more.

Chaplet Calms Early-Onset Alzheimer's Patient

Her husband's diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's blindsided her family. Then, Denise came upon something profound that "melted" her heart. Read more.

Faustina the Poet

We continue in this month of July reflect on this poem written by St. Faustina in which she encourages us to trust in Jesus more and more. Read more.

One Reader Writes ...

"I am not a Catholic, so if you want to just delete this email, it is OK. ..." Read more.

A Heart-Felt Devotion

On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we need to be open to love of God and neighbor — that is, to mercy. Read more.

Comparing or Bearing the Cross

Do you frequently compare yourself to other people? If you want to find peace, try doing this instead. Read more.

Wisdom for this Month from St. Faustina

In June we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Saint Faustina made an entry in her Diary on this solemnity 82 years ago, and they are words we should take to heart. Read more.

Touching Hearts with Divine Mercy

At this year's Divine Mercy Sunday celebration, thousands of hearts were touched by a heart that last beat with life 160 years ago. What's this all about? Read more.

It's All Good News

Within the designs of God's Providence, how do we know what's good news and how do we know what's bad news? Find out in this article. Read more.

'God's Love is the flower — Mercy the fruit.'

We continue our series that considers a poem by St. Faustina line by line. Her hope in writing this poem was to inspire souls to trust in Jesus more. Will you? Read more.

Our Poor Mothers

They remind us of how poverty is a virtue. Read more.

'God's Love is the Flower — Mercy the Fruit.'

We begin a new series considering a poem by St. Faustina line by line. Her hope in writing this poem was to inspire souls to trust in Jesus more. Will you? Read more.

Mercy Saved their Marriage

Even after infidelity, a husband and wife were able to experience God's mercy and save their marriage. Now they have made it their mission to help other couples who are in difficult times. Read more.

What St. Faustina Offered Our Lady

Our Lady was truly a mother to St. Faustina. In May, this month dedicated to Our Lady, let's follow St. Faustina's example and honor Our Lady. Read more.

Thousands Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at National Shrine

Pope Francis called mercy the "beating heart of the Gospel." Saint John Vianney's heart was at the National Shrine for Divine Mercy Sunday. What a God-incidence! Read more.

How to Hear God's Voice

Did you know that God is constantly speaking to you? Did you know that it's actually pretty easy to recognize His voice? Learn how here. Read more.

All Appears to Be Lost

By all the standard expectations of a successful Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth would have comprehensively failed. Read more.

Christianity: A Contact Sport

Get off the sidelines and get into the game. Find out why Christianity is a contact sport worth playing. Read more.

When Your Thoughts Lie

Our thoughts often lie to us. What to do about the discouraging sentiments that always seem to pop into your mind? Read more.

Bless This Land

Are you worried about the moral decay of our culture? Let's turn to St. Faustina. Read more.

Praying the Chaplet to Death

Father Starzynski prays the Chaplet with at least one dying person every day. What led him to begin doing this? Read more.

Trust: It Matters.

Jesus mentions one piece of knowledge that ought to confirm our trust in His good intentions for us forever: He died for us. Read more.

Grace Through Obedience

Why does the Lord value our obedience so much higher than our mortifications and sacrifices? Read more.

'Love and Mercy' Wows the Vatican

With distinguished guests and journalists from around the world on hand, the Vatican played host to the premiere of the feature-length film "Love and Mercy," a docudrama on St. Faustina and her Divine Mercy revelations. Read more.

Love and Vulnerability

Why did the Blessed Virgin Mary suffer more than anyone else? Find out in this article. Read more.

'What a Grace of God'

Just after leaving the hospital with her newborn, Louise Fecteau had to turn around, walk back in, and identify the body of her eldest child. But God had graces in store. Read more.

The Priest Who First Believed Faustina

"In the confessional it became apparent that she knew things that no one under normal circumstances could know about," says Fr. Seraphim. Read more.

A Message for the World

A new feature-length docudrama about Divine Mercy called "Love & Mercy" is planned for a worldwide release this Divine Mercy Sunday, April 28. We sat down with the director and producer Michael Kondrat, to learn more about this special project. Read more.

His Mercy and 'Tough Love'

Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose feast day we celebrated on Jan. 28, explains how Divine Mercy and Divine Justice coincide. Read more.

The Meaning of Mercy

Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose feast day we celebrate Jan. 28, is one of the great doctors of the Church. The following is the first of a two-part series on the saint who best describes what "mercy" means. Read more.

Forward, March!

The Divine Mercy Image makes a grand appearance at the annual March for Life. Read more.

Detox for the Soul!

Even with good nourishment, we cannot become healthy until the poison has been removed from the body.
Read more.

The Presence of God's Mercy Among Us

Father Gabriel Cillo, MIC, shares how God's mercy surrounds us, and is within us, in many awesome ways. Read more.

30 Years of Being Friends

This year marks the 30-year anniversary of our Friends of Mercy club. Learn about this amazing history and the milestones we have seen in the message and devotion of Divine Mercy over these past three decades. Read more.

God Calling Me Back to Himself

God reached into Fr. Gabriel's life as a young adult and brought him forth into God's mercy and love. Read more.

How Can I Find Happiness?

So what exactly is happiness, and how can we find it? We're pleased to present the first in our new series on happiness in Christian living. Read more.

A Friend in Faustina, Week by Week

EWTN TV host and author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle shares with us how we can spend each week of this year with St. Faustina. Read more.

Into The Unknown: Helen Arrives in Warsaw

When St. Faustina decided to finally answer the Lord's call, she traveled to Warsaw without a plan beyond that. How did the Lord provide? Read more.

Loving Us Senseless

What's the one thing can drives Jesus' presence out from our souls? Read to find out. Read more.

Models of Mercy: St. Ambrose

December 7 is the feast day of St. Ambrose. He helped convert St. Augustine and encouraged St. Monica in her many years of prayer for her unrepentant son. Read more.

Doing Whatever for Christ

What do we have to do to please the Lord and become a saint? Read more.

The Way Forward

Let's commit ourselves first to prayer and fasting for the Church and the world, interceding especially for the clergy and consecrated religious. Read more.

Don't Merely Go the Distance.

When it comes to charity, Satan controls the remote. Read more.

Models of Mercy: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini

November 13 is the feast day of Mother Cabrini, known for her service to the poor and her missionary zeal. Read more.

St. Faustina: Growing with Grace

When entering her adolescent years, Faustina's faith only grew stronger. Learn more about her teenage years before she entered the convent. Read more.

Seeking the Lord in Suffering

Sometimes, Satan tries to trick us into believing that we should wait to go to God until we're doing well. But the worse we feel — physically, spiritually, emotionally, or mentally — the more we ought to seek the Lord. Read more.

How Can the Saints Hear and Answer Our Prayers?

Can the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Faustina really hear all the millions of prayers that are offered to them, and respond to them all? Read more.

Balm for a Wounded Heart

Fortunately, a friend saw that this physician of the body needed some medicine for the soul and gave him a copy of a book many Catholics in the U.S. would eventually come to know and love: the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. Read more.

Models of Mercy

On their feast day, Oct. 19, we reflect on the example of the Jesuit martyrs of Auriesville: Sts. Isaac Jogues, John de Brebeuf, and their companions. Read more.

Ask a Marian

One reader has a great question about the original "Vilnius" Divine Mercy Image. Another writes, "Dear Father, in the June Friends of Mercy newsletter, you said all sins confessed 'are forever dissolved in His mercy,' which I have always struggled believing." Read more.

'Make Me an Instrument'

Mark, indeed, had the faith to deal with it all, a faith that has since seamlessly appropriated — for spiritual purposes — the police motto "to serve and protect." Read more.

Her Lesson in Living, Her Lesson in Dying

Eighty years ago, St. Faustina left this world for the next. (Her feast day is Oct. 5.) Read more.

The Divine Mercy Message of St. Francis of Assisi

One of the principal intentions of St. Francis's own prayers should sound familiar to Divine Mercy apostles. This is no surprise. Read more.

Saint Faustina: Her Early Virtues

October 5 marks the 80th anniversary of the death of St. Faustina and her entrance into eternal life. In honor of this special anniversary, let's dive a bit deeper into the life of St. Faustina to discover her in a way that perhaps we never have before. Read more.

Guardians Dear

The more we invite our guardian angels to act in our lives, the more freedom they have to maneuver. Read more.

50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae: What Has Changed?

The answer is simple enough: Since Pope Paul VI published his encyclical letter on birth control, almost everything has changed. Dr. Robert Stackpole explains. Read more.

Our Friend, Padre Pio

On Sept. 23, we celebrate the 50th anniversary St. Padre Pio's passing into eternal life and the 100th anniversary of his receiving the stigmata. What can we learn from this saint today? Read more.

Ask a Marian

How can God be happy if some of His children are in hell? Why would any soul choose hell? Here are the answers to these tough questions. Read more.

What happens when you return to the Source

In the aftermath of the tragic death of her husband, the past year and a half has been nothing less than life-changing for Mary Paver and her children. Read more.

Streams of Mercy, Part 6: Faith

Let's talk about the virtue of faith. When we take after the example of St. Faustina, who called faith her "guidepost," we quickly realize that faith is much more than a mere theological concept. It's a living reality. Read more.

The Power of One

The wisdom of Mother Teresa applies even in a time of crisis. (A meditation for her feast day, Sept. 5.) Read more.

Framing the Gospel through Divine Mercy

A Friend of Mercy was inspired to give away Divine Mercy Images. This led her to a place far, far away. Read her inspirational witness. Read more.

Saint Augustine of Hippo

To mark the feast day of one of the Church's deepest thinkers, read an excerpt from Divine Mercy: A Guide from Genesis to Benedict XVI. Read more.

The St. Monica Option

Saint Monica's patient, persevering prayer made all the difference in the world. No joke. Read more.

Sometimes, Chastisement is a Mercy

Chile. Honduras. McCarrick. Pennsylvania. In the face of such scandal, what's a Catholic to do? Read more.

Streams of Mercy, Part 5: Peace

We continue our series, "Streams of Mercy," by reflecting on the gift of peace as presented in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. Learn more about how to snuggle close to the Heart of Jesus and therein find peace. Read more.

Rays of Mercy Fighting Cancer

Maricela was frightened and in pain as she underwent over 30 radiation treatments for breast cancer. Then Jesus showed her that it wasn't only radiation rays shining upon her, but His rays of mercy. Read more.

Half an Inch, Half a Year, and 55 Years of Marriage

Half an inch, half a year, and 55 years of marriage — This small-town couple proves that with the help of faith, love can truly conquer all, including car accidents, hurried courtships, and long distance drives. Read more.

Touched by an 'Angel'?

I have a "Jesus, I Trust in You" magnet on the back of my van. Maybe that's what attracted this particular Angel. Read more.

Encuentro Latino 2018

Three Latino pilgrims shared their stories of faith, healing, and mercy, at this year's Encuentro Latino celebration. See their full testimonies here, along with a homily from the day by Fr. Dante Agüero, MIC. Read more.

Ask a Marian, August 2018

Does suffering from depression mean you have to suffer for souls and in reparation for sin? Would you be forgiven for walking away from a family member who is pushing you away? The Marian Fathers answer these difficult questions. Read more.

Streams of Mercy, Part 4: Trust

We continue our series, "Streams of Mercy," by reflecting on the virtue of trust as presented in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. Learn more about how to trust in Jesus and find peace in your life. Read more.

Comfort the Imprisoned

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here's the last of our seven-part series. Read more.

Bury the Dead

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here is the sixth part of our seven-part series. Read more.

Comfort the Sick

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here is the fifth part of our seven-part series. Read more.

Clothe the Naked

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here is the third part of our seven-part series. Read more.

Give Drink to the Thirsty

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here's the second part of our seven-part series. Read more.

Feed the Hungry

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here's the first of our seven-part series. Read more.

What Is Catholic Mindfulness?

How can we Catholics live without fear and experience the full power of Divine Mercy? Find out in this interview with Dr. Greg Bottaro, founder of the CatholicPsych Institute. Read more.

The Most Beautiful Sound in the World

What should we do when someone confronts us with the truth of our own sinfulness? Find out in this week's Sunday Scripture Preview. Read more.


In St. Faustina's Diary, the word "trust" and its derivatives appear 260 times. What is the Lord telling us? Read more.

Streams of Mercy, Part 3: Obedience

We continue our series reflecting on themes and lessons presented in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. Read more.

Loving Those Closest

If you're having trouble loving your family and friends, you might consider doing this. Read more.

Led to Prayer and Believing His Promises

In His mercy, God put me on the tight, winding, rock-strewn path leading to the narrow gate. Read more.

Penny for Your Thoughts

Since my retirement was partially planned in advance (from putting money in a 401K, like many other people), taking a 50 percent reduction in income, voluntarily, was a big issue for me. Read more.

The Spirituality of Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska

She knew that her vocation was a call to holiness. Read more.

Turning Sorrow into Joy

Find out how the Lord wants to take your suffering and turn it into abundant blessing. Read more.

They're Wrong. Love them Anyway.

In such a world, it's easy to become militant, to believe that speaking the truth requires giving the liars a tongue-lashing, if not more. Read more.

A Nurses' Examination of Conscience

Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska knew how important her work as a nurse was, and how it affected her soul. Read more.

Let Grow and Let God

The Lord will make you into the person He created you to be — fully alive, filled with His peace — if you do this. Read more.

Retreats for the Sick

Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska was not at peace with only caring for people's bodies — she wanted to care for their souls as well. Read more.

Scripture Study: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Unforgivable Sin — We can commit only one sin that God cannot forgive. Though that may seem scary, understanding this sin will impress upon you of the unfathomable mercy of God. Read more.

Living on a Prayer

Living on a Prayer — The world feels like it's falling apart, doesn't it? Here's what we should do about it. Read more.

To the Heart of the Matter

To the Heart of the Matter — Obviously, when we speak of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we necessarily have to keep in mind the importance of not only loving Jesus, but also of loving one another. Read more.

His Heart Beats for Divine Mercy

His Heart Beats for Divine Mercy — Find out how Texas native, Charles Yezak's severe heart attack helped him and his wife of 51 years, Nellie, embrace the message of Divine Mercy and devote their lives to spreading it. Read more.

A Pioneer of Nursing

Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska revolutionized what it means to nurse with the hands of Jesus. Read more.

'If They Would Only Give Me Some Return of Love'

'If They Would Only Give Me Some Return of Love' — In December 1673, Christ appeared to St. Margaret Mary. "He disclosed to me the marvels of His love and the unutterable secrets of His Sacred Heart," she said. Read more.

Scripture Study: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Find out what you need to do to sanctify each moment of your daily life, no matter how mundane. Read more.

Streams of Mercy, Part 2: Humility

Streams of Mercy, Part 2: Humility, the Lovely Flower — We continue our series "Streams of Mercy," reflecting on themes and lessons presented in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. Read more.

Make Enemies into Brethren

Make Enemies into Brethren — The Church around the world continues to confront some of the worst persecution she's ever seen. Read more.

'Hail, the Victorious Dead!'

'Hail, the Victorious Dead!' — Memorial Day, celebrated this year on May 28, calls us to pause and remember. That's not something we're good at. Read more.

Blessed Hannah Chrzanowska and Saint John Paul II

Blessed Hanna is the first person from St. John Paul II's close "circle of friends" to be beatified. Learn more about their friendship here. Read more.

Scripture Study: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Trinity — This Sunday, solve the mystery of the Holy Trinity as best your finite mind can grasp it. Read more.

Documentary: Priest Forgives His Murderer

'Where There is Darkness' — This documentary tells the story of a diocesan priest who forgave his own murderer from the grave. Read more.

Who was Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska?

Learn more about this compassionate nurse and personal friend of St. John Paul II. Read more.

Scripture Study: Pentecost

Finding Fruit that Satisfies— See what you need to do to receive the fruits of the Holy Spirit and experience the fullness of Divine Mercy. Read more.

Help Wanted: In Need of God's Mercy

Help Wanted: In Need of God's Mercy — Dave, a member of our Divine Mercy prayer group, had a problem. His son had recently lost his job and was without health insurance. He needed a good job — fast. Read more.

So Many Reasons to Pray

So Many Reasons to Pray — Our Lord made it clear to me: The world needs us to turn to Him in trust. Read more.

Healing After Miscarriage

Healing After Miscarriage — The time around Mother's Day can be difficult for women who have lost a baby. Here are words of comfort. Read more.

Colours of Fire by Gosia Brykczynska

We have a new blessed in the Church who was a nurse! Learn about Bl. Hanna Chrzanowska and a new book on her life by the postulator for her cause for canonization, Gosia Brykczynska. Read more.

Scripture Study: The Ascension of the Lord

Scripture Study: The Ascension of the Lord — Learn about the meaning behind the second Glorious Mystery. Read more.

14th Annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference — Day 2

We are live blogging the Conference and posting videos from the day's presentations. Read more.

Ask a Marian

Ask a Marian — The Marian Fathers answer questions from Friends of Mercy club members. Read more.

14th Annual Divine Mercy Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference — Day 1

We're live-blogging from the conference! Read more.

It's Time to Talk

It's Time to Talk — A new Marian Press book shows how mercy and truth go together when confronting the issue of homosexuality. Read more.

On Becoming a Sponge

Soak It Up — The other day, Ann D'Arcy spilled a substantial amount of milk. It got her thinking. Read more.

Streams of Mercy — Part 1: The Gaze of Mercy

Streams of Mercy, Part 1: The Gaze of Mercy — We begin a new monthly series from our Friends of Mercy newsletter on themes and virtues presented by our Lord in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. This month we reflect on the "Gaze of Mercy." Read more.

Feast of Sts. Philip and James — May 3

Feast of Sts. Philip and James, May 3 — Why do they share a feast day? And how did their deaths give witness to the Gospel? Read more.

The Grace of Divine Mercy Sunday

The Grace of Divine Mercy Sunday — I looked at her and said good morning. I asked her if she slept well. She said, "Neil, I want to go to Confession." Read more.

13th Annual Divine Mercy Conference

The Divine Mercy Chaplet Charts the Course — Read about the 13th Annual Divine Mercy Conference held in Bronx, New York, and find out how the Chaplet played an essential role in Christopher West's first date with his wife. Read more.

Scripture Study: Fifth Sunday of Easter

You Can Do Nothing — Scripture says that without this you can do absolutely nothing. Read more.

Dying Grace

Dying Grace — One family witnesses a miracle as they watch a beloved husband and father experience Heaven moments before he passes away. Read more.

Scripture Study: Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sheer Surrender – Find out what happens when we surrender our lives for Christ, the Good Shepherd, just as He laid down His life for us. Read more.

Scripture Study: Third Sunday of Easter

He Saved Us Anyway — Find out what we need to do to know God as He originally intended. Read more.

'Rejoice and Be Glad!'

'Rejoice and Be Glad!' — Pope Quotes St. Faustina's Diary in New Apostolic Exhortation. Read more.

Day 9 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Day 8 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Scripture Study: Divine Mercy Sunday

Find out about the great grace we have the opportunity to receive on Divine Mercy Sunday. Read more.

Day 7 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Day 6 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Day 5 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Day 4 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Day 3 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Day 2 of the Divine Mercy Novena

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

Scripture Study: Easter Sunday

Happy Easter! Find out what makes the historical fact of the Resurrection of Christ so plausible. Read more.

Day 1: The Divine Mercy Novena Begins Today!

Our Lord told St. Faustina, "I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy ..." Read more.

The Day God Died

This is the day when human history stills, alters course, and begins to roll towards God again.
Read more.

Small Miracles, Big Conversion

Find out how a series of little miracles led former athiest, Dr. Peter Geittmann, to the Catholic faith. Read more.

Scripture Study: Palm Sunday

Find out why we yell out "Crucify Him" at Mass every Palm Sunday. Read more.

The Holiest Relics

Find out about the unique, holy relics that came to the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy on March 17, 2018. Read more.

Ask a Marian

How do we make restitution for stolen goods? And what can we do to grow closer to God? The Marian Fathers answer readers' questions. Read more.

Scripture Study: Fifth Sunday of Lent

Find out what Scripture has to say about the problem of suffering. Read more.

Mercy: It's Written Right into Our Bodies!

The world-renowned teacher of St. John Paul II's "theology of the body" shares how we can better understand Divine Mercy. All it takes is an integrated vision of the human person. Read more.

Scripture Study: Fourth Sunday of Lent

Find out what Scripture says about suffering and how God can use it to our advantage. Read more.

Immerse Yourself in the Paschal Mystery

Each Lent, we have an opportunity to repent and turn away from sin, so that we might encounter the fullness of life revealed in Jesus Christ. Read more.

Ask a Marian

Will a deceased loved one make it to Heaven? Since we will not have our bodies in Heaven until the Final Judgment, in what way will we be present to each other? The Marian Fathers respond. Read more.

Scripture Study: Third Sunday of Lent

Find out about the only sign we need to live a life of faith in Christ. Read more.

Mercy in the Midst of Suffering

By Lent 2017, we were recovering from this great suffering and in need of a sign of hope. Read more.

Scripture Study: Second Sunday of Lent

Find out what the readings this weekend have to say about suffering and striving to follow God's will.

Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 20

God's Word is living and effective. Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 19

We will be held accountable for what we do — or don't do — for the least of those among us. Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 18 — First Sunday of Lent

Expect suffering and temptation. Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 17

Are you aware of your sins? That's a good start. Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 16

It's our duty to serve. Read more.

Scripture Study: First Sunday of Lent

Find out what Scripture tells us about spiritual pain and learn how we can heal this Lenten season. Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 15

Why should we unite our trials to Jesus' suffering on the Cross? Read more.

Footsteps to Mercy: Feb. 14 (Ash Wednesday)

Lent is meant to be more than a routine. Read more.

Valentine's Day is Ash Wednesday. What to Make of That?

This year, Lent begins on Valentine's Day.
Read more.

Scripture Study: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

W.W.J.D.? — When faced with a difficult decision, we need to ask ourselves this simple question ... Read more.

Models of Mercy: Saint Josephine Bakhita

On Feb. 8, we celebrate the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita. Read more.

Ask a Marian

The Marian Fathers answer your questions about the faith. Read more.

Scripture Study: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Evangelize This Way — In the readings for this Sunday, St. Paul reveals the method he used to bring the most amount of people he could to Christ. Read more.

Ask a Marian

Where should a church place the Divine Mercy Image? The Marian Fathers answer this and other questions for you. Read more.

The Secret of Lent

Learn from St. Faustina to live Lent in a simple but holy way. Read more.

Scripture Study: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celibacy Terrifies Satan — Find out what Scripture has to say about celibacy and how the presence of Christ in the ordained can help drive out demons. Read more.

Prayers Work!

He led us in the Chaplet. So when Michael Bethea became critically ill, we prayed it for him. Read more.

Models of Mercy — St. Marianne Cope

Though born in Germany, St. Marianne Cope is better known for her work on Molokai. Her feast is celebrated Jan. 23. Read more.

Scripture Study: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

'Time is Running Out' — The readings for the third Sunday in ordinary time remind us that though our lives are short, the Gospel is eternal. Read more.

Divine Mercy for America

Find out why Divine Mercy is Heaven's response to the culture of death. Read more.

'Will You Help Me?'

"Why couldn't we use our industrial sewing machines to do some good for others?" Thus, it began. Read more.

Living Liturgically

Repetition can be good. Especially regarding our faith. Read more.

Divine Mercy and End-of-Life Decisions

Due to Darlene Dinishak's careful discernment of the end-of-life care for her father, Frank, he was able to live six more years and had a conversion, thanks to Divine Mercy. Read more.

Unexpected Prayer Partners

Twelve days after he died, Pope John Paul II appeared to a woman who was praying for her critically ill friend. Read more.

Mission Possible

Even before he was a professed brother, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, helped the Marian Fathers deliver the message of Divine Mercy to parishes. Read more.

The Best New Year's Resolution: Prayer

What's a cenacle? According to Dr. Bryan Thatcher, it's one of the best New Year's resolutions you could make. Read more.

The Pope's Top 12 Tweets of 2017

Which of Pope Francis' tweets most inspired us in 2017? Read more.

You Say You Want a Resolution?

Here are some ideas from Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC — and an update on how he did on his own resolutions over the past year. Read more.

Why Shepherds?

Why did God choose a lowly group of shepherds to receive the news of Christ's birth? Read more.

Does God Expect Me to Be Loving to All My Relatives?

Are you taking deep breaths and gathering yourself before the relatives gather for Christmas? One reader does, and Dr. Stackpole shares some thoughts. Read more.

How Well Do You Know Advent from Christmas?

Commercials and the media would have us think the Christmas season begins the day after Thanksgiving. Nope. Read more.

Ask a Marian

Why do we make offerings for the dead? The answer comes from the Bible and the saints. Read more.

They Saw Purgatory

The Holy Souls in Purgatory can't pray for themselves. They need you, and they need you now. Read more.

The Message in the Image

Even before St. Faustina's Diary was translated, Fr. Seraphim told Marian Helpers what it said about the Divine Mercy Image. Read more.

Giving Tuesday: Share this Image

It's an image that can change the world. Your support makes all the difference. Read more.

Blessed Solanus Casey: Model of Mercy

Blessed Solanus Casey, pray for us! In honor of his beatification, here's a special edition of 'Models of Mercy.' Read more.

How About a New Tradition for Thanksgiving?

Asking "what are you thankful for" is a good tradition. Father Dan suggests a slightly different take. Read more.

Part Six: St. Faustina and the Mission of the Church — Past, Present, and Future

Although Faustina was given to the Church and the world exactly when she was most needed, her witness continues. Read more.

Saint Faustina and the Conversion of Sinners

Praying for someone in need of conversion? Don't give up! Here's some encouragement. Read more.

The New and the Controversial in the Witness of St. Faustina

Theologians respond to objections to having St. Faustina declared a Doctor of the Church. Read more.

Pray for the Repose of Sr. Sophia's Soul

See what made this biographer of St. Faustina a special soul. Read more.

Make a Friend in Heaven

For All Souls' Day (and all November), Fr. Dan gives us good reasons to care about Purgatory. Read more.

Solemnity of All Saints

Do you have the courage to be a saint? Read more.

The Greatest Commandments

When we grow in love with God, He will show us how to do this ... Read more.

'God Working Anonymously'

This stranger at a worship service had a noteworthy tattoo. Read more.

The Many Streams of the Spirituality of St. Faustina

What important contribution did St. Faustina make to the Church? See what the experts say. Read more.

Scripture Study: Twenty Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Heavenly Civics — In order to act as model citizens of Heaven and earth, we must do this. Read more.

St. Faustina Shows Us Where to Find and How to Serve Our Merciful Lord

How does St. Faustina qualify to be a doctor of the Church? Here's what the experts say. Read more.

Scripture Study: Twenty Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Receiving (It's a Virtue) — In order to practice the virtue of generosity, we must first do this. Read more.

Saint Faustina the Theologian

How does St. Faustina qualify as a theologian to be a doctor of the Church? Here's what the experts say. Read more.

Faustina: Champion of the Rosary

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Did you know this saint had a great devotion to praying the Rosary? Read more.

Scripture Study: Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Don't Worry. Prosper — If we do this, anxiety will no longer consume us, and God can produce in us abundant fruit. Read more.

Feast of St. Faustina 2017

Hundreds gathered at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy on the Feast of St. Faustina to celebrate our beloved patron. See photos and videos of the event here! Read more.

How Is She Qualified?

Several experts say that St. Faustina fulfills the criteria to merit the title "Doctor of the Church." Here's why. Read more.

Scripture Study: Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Only One Word Can Save Us — We fall short of living a truly Christian life if we do not do this. Read more.

The Greater the Sinner …

Was Hugh Hefner saved by Divine Mercy? Read more.

Final Blessing

"The Apostolic Pardon is a supreme example of the mercy of God for poor sinners," says Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC. Find out why. Read more.

Scripture Study: Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here's the Deal — To receive the fullness of God's generosity, you must do this. Read more.

Saved by Mercy

Held captive during a horrifying ordeal, a priest prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Read more.

Scripture Study: Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Debt Forgiven (on One Condition) — To receive God's forgiveness we must do this. Read more.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

On its 82nd anniversary, learn about the Chaplet from the vice postulator for the canonization cause of St. Faustina. Read more.

Models of Mercy

A touching, firsthand account of how a saint, whose feast is Sept. 9, brought the love of Christ to slaves. Read more.

A Call to Witness

Let us commit to including visible, peaceful opposition to racism in our pro-life activism, imitating the saints. Read more.

Feast Day of St. Maximilian Kolbe — Aug. 14

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, whose feast day is Aug. 14, brought mercy to many in the concentration camp, including the man in whose place he died. Read more.

Feast of St. John Vianney — Aug. 4

In the midst of one of the most anti-clerical movements in the history of the West, God lifted up a lowly and unlearned peasant to become who we now know as the patron saint of priests. Read more.

Shelter the Homeless

We must never forget our Lord's words to St. Faustina: "... I demand from you deeds of mercy ..." Here is the fourth part of our seven-part series. Read more.

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul — June 29

The Apostolic letters in the New Testament are the praise and proclamation of that mercy, and an exhortation to practice it. Read more.

June 23 - the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart

While the Sacred Heart of Jesus had already captivated me, I had no idea that the Divine Mercy was about to enter my life in a big way. Read more.

Can Divine Mercy Save Those Outside The Church?

Robert Stackpole answers more Divine Mercy questions, this time from our readers Cheryl and Francis. Read more.

Mary and a Divine 'Contradiction'

In Mary, we see realized God's model for holiness, how the last shall be first. Read more.

How Can I Make It Through 'The Dark Night of the Soul'?

Just because God seems far away doesn't mean He is. In fact, He may be nearer than you think. Read more.

Divine Mercy and Martyrdom

The Blood and Water that streamed forth from the Heart of Christ on Good Friday more than 2,000 years ago continues to stream from the Mystical Body of Christ in the form of the blood of the martyrs.
Read more.

'Let the Fire Fall'

Saint Catherine won great miracles from Heaven by the power of her prayers. Here is the story of one of those miracles. Read more.

Extraordinary Graces: What Does Christ's Promise Really Mean?

Dr. Stackpole unpacks the meaning of Christ's promise of extraordinary graces on Divine Mercy Sunday Read more.

Happy Easter!

The knowledge that the Father wants to raise each of us up with Christ gives us great cause for rejoicing, but it doesn't give us a magic wand. Read more.

Part 7: Pride

Here's the final installment of our seven-part weekly Lenten series on the Seven Deadly Sins: Read more.

Bronx Divine Mercy Conference — 2017

The conference, "The Message of Fatima and Divine Mercy: Refuge for Sinners," welcomed more than 600 pilgrims. Read more.

Part 6: Envy

Envy can creep into our hearts, even within the Church, even among people laboring in the vineyard. Read more.

What Do We Do About the Amoris Laetitia Debate?

Many Catholics have been watching the discussion surrounding Amoris Laetitia with mounting alarm. Read more.

Part 5: Wrath

Meekness — steadfast meekness, courageous meekness — is the means by which hearts can be converted. Read more.

A Gift for Divine Mercy Sunday

Do you need a way to drive out the devil? Saint Faustina's Diary offers some particularly powerful ways to do so. Read more.

Part 4: Sloth

Let's talk about sin, shall we? The following is part four of our weekly Lenten series on the Seven Deadly Sins. Read more.

What Are We to Do?

While the Church never puts forth a detailed set of economic and social policies, she does leave little doubt that the world would be a vastly better place if it followed His command. Read more.

Part 3: Greed

We don't call them the Deadly Sins for nothing. Greed kills. Read more.

Part 2: Gluttony

Seeking direction? It doesn't have to be such a balancing act. Read more.

Part 1: Lust

Saint John Paul II reportedly said, "Chastity is the work of a lifetime." For many of us, it may take longer than that. Read more.

The Faith is Better Than We Are

How can you still be Catholic when the Church is so full of sinners? Well, that's the point, isn't it? The following is the introduction to our Lenten series. Read more.

Pope Francis' Lenten Message

"This season urgently calls us to conversion," says Pope Francis in his message for Lent. Read more.

Evangelization Vs. Proselytization.

Proselytism is the strongest venom against the path of ecumenism — Pope Francis, Oct. 13, 2016 Read more.

A Merciful Path to Victory

The world's gone mad in more ways than I can usefully name — and yet it doesn't have to be that way. Read more.

The Gospel, Divine Mercy, and Social Justice

The Gospel, Divine Mercy, and Social Justice — "Divine Mercy" and "Social Justice" are two phrases that rarely seem to be coupled together. Read more.

Four Great Americans

Liberty. Equal rights. Care for the oppressed. See the people recognized by Pope Francis as great Americans — including Martin Luther King, Jr. Read more.

Welcome to 2017

Need help coming up with resolutions? See how we can adapt St. Faustina's list. Read more.

'Mercy 2016'

Here are our top 10 favorite quotes about mercy from the past year. Here's wishing us all a merciful 2017! Read more.

The Meaning of Mercy

The Sacred Scriptures show clearly that mercy is the greatest "relative" characteristic of God. Read more.

The Child Jesus

How the Christ Child was a constant source of inspiration and joy for St. Faustina. Read more.

The Finest Gift We Bring

More than 2,000 years after the birth of Christ, the Herods of the world are still having their way. Read more.

Fatima and Faustina and Two Powerful Prayers of Reparation

Revealed almost 20 years apart, these prayers are strikingly similar in structure and purpose. Read more.

Thanks, for Everything

Thankful? Check. For everything? Check. Really ... everything? Read more.

Where's God?

The greater Albany region holds that ignominious title. Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger and his flock aren't about to fall into despair. Read more.

A Senseless Murder: A Family's Response

Despite their grief, a family lived their Catholic faith with dignity and compassion. Read more.

All Souls' Day

Do you pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory? You have a special opportunity to help them in this Jubilee Year of Mercy! Read more.

Can you Shed Light on God's Mercy in Hell, Purgatory?

One reader writes, "I know that our Lord has asked us to not be afraid, but that is easier said than done." Read more.

True Greatness: How?

The presidential race has us questioning who should have great power. Read more.

Day Two: Day of the Great Mercy Pope

We're reporting live from the second North American Congress on Mercy (NACOM II) in Houston, Texas. Check back for more coverage throughout the weekend! Read more.

Day One: Becoming Holy Doors of Mercy

Day One of the second North American Congress on Mercy (NACOM II) in Houston, Texas, was very blessed. Read more.

Be a Monument to Mercy

A year ago I prepared a to-do list for the Jubilee Year, one that, if followed, would be of "monumental" consequence to ourselves and those around us. Read more.

'The Life and Times of Sister Faustina' (Part 1)

Older footage of a younger Fr. Seraphim, in a 1991 film introducing the life and spirituality of a little-known Polish nun. Read more.

Let's End the Year of Mercy with 33 Days to Merciful Love

"This may be the most important article I'll ever write," says Fr. Joseph, MIC. Read more.

Cross Currents

But what does bearing the cross require? Read more.

Called to Answer Christ's 'Thirst' for Souls

On Sept. 10, 1946 — 70 years ago today — Mother Teresa heard her "call within a call." Her response changed the world. Read more.

'God Be Merciful to Us'

In light of the opening of the film Sully, we're again sharing this story of one passenger's Divine Mercy experience during the historic emergency water landing on the Hudson River. Read more.

Be Transformed: Divine Mercy Buffalo 2016

This year's Buffalo Conference was held on Saturday, August 27 at the Basilica of Our Lady of Victory in Lackawanna, New York. Nearly 1,000 people attended to "Be Transformed" by Divine Mercy! Read more.

Sharing Mother Teresa's Secret

Author Susan Conroy, a friend of Mother Teresa, shares personal stories about working alongside a living saint and caring for the poor of Calcutta. Read more.

Is the Chaplet an Ecumenical Prayer?

One reader writes: "I am an Anglican priest of the Church of England, and ... I have been saying and joining EWTN in the Divine Mercy Chaplet." Read more.

In Hard Times, Remember Your Blessings

Remember, in the midst of darkness, when you saw the Lord in his light! Remember, when doubts assail you, that you have seen wonders! Read more.

Amoris Laetitia: Pope Francis Shines a Light of Divine Mercy on the Family

How the Church can provide better pastoral care for struggling and broken marriages, all in the light of God's merciful love. Read more.

Day 6: World Youth Day 2016

I know that I left World Youth Day transformed — transformed by the experience of being there with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Read more.

Day 5: World Youth Day 2016

Visiting St. Faustina's tomb. Venerating St. John Paul II's relic in his shrine. Lunching with young people. A Eucharistic vigil before the closing Mass. All this and more for Pope Francis at World Youth Day Read more.

Day 4: World Youth Day 2016

A visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau and then the Children's University Hospital in Krakow. The Holy Father then led the Way of the Cross. Read more.

Day 3: World Youth Day 2016

"Live with the conviction that you will never be alone," Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle said this morning. What a way to begin the Day! Read more.

Day 2: World Youth Day 2016

Check out our coverage of Day 2 from World Youth Day in Krakow, where hundreds of thousands have gathered. It's all about mercy. Read more.

Day 1: World Youth Day 2016 — We Speak the Same Language

Through the Holy Doors we went! Read more.

The Eve of the Event: World Youth Day 2016 — We've Arrived!

Three days, three flights, one flight delay, three ticket mix-ups, some lost luggage, and our pilgrimage group has finally arrived in Krakow. Phew! Read more.

World Youth Day 2016 Begins

We're in the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, so what could be more fitting than Krakow for World Youth Day 2016? Read more.

Marian Founder's Legacy of Mercy

The Marian Founder is a saint! But his was no ordinary canonization. Here's why. Read more.

In John the Baptist, a Lesson for Us All

"Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John." Read more.

May Jesus and Mary Reign in My Home!

Have you consecrated your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Read more.

Touching Hearts and Touching Lives

2 days, 12 pilgrims, and 1 van, makes for one blessed pilgrimage to the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Read more.

Make Way for the Eucharist

What was St. Faustina doing with a broom in her hand?
Read more.

Who Was St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi?

May 25 is the feast day of St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, "The Passion Flower of the Eucharist." Read more.

Trinity Sunday

Something beyond our wildest dreams is true: God is Trinity, an eternal Family of Love. Read more.

Pope: Prodigal Son Shows God's Unconditional Love for Us All

Let's begin with the moment the Prodigal Son returns home. Read more.

We've Got Spirit! How About You?

The Christian life is impossibly hard ... if you forget this truth. Read more.

Happy Solemnity of the Ascension!

Jesus ascended up to Heaven, and took us with Him. Read more.

12th Annual Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference

Check out our coverage of the two-day 12th Annual Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality Conference being held now. Read more.

Saint Faustina's Miracle: The Digans Tell Their Story

The Digans have a documentary. Read more.

American Idol: 'Anything in the Name of ... '

What would you do for success? For money? For pleasure? For your country? Your family? Your God? If the answer is "anything," that's a problem. Read more.

Surprising Mercy in the Bronx

Souls restored to life; God physically on the altar; and hope given in a darkening time. Yes: It's business as usual at the eleventh annual Divine Mercy Conference in the Bronx. Read more.

Equipped with Special Graces: Now What?

Unless the merciful love we are receiving from Jesus is overflowing from our hearts and pouring out upon others, then we are not yet authentic disciples. Read more.

Cardinal Sarah at the World Meeting of Families

Families are called to live out a salvific love, like Christ's love for us, to be poured out for one another. This kind of love is stronger than any darkness. Read more.

Be 'Apostles of Mercy'

Divine Mercy Sunday is the heart of the Jubilee Year: Read the FULL TEXT of Pope Francis' homily on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016. Read more.

An Extraordinary Divine Mercy Sunday

Despite wind and snow, the pilgrims came in their thousands, seeking the Divine Mercy. Read more.

Pope Francis' Remarks at Divine Mercy Prayer Vigil

Read pope's address on the eve of the Jubilee of Divine Mercy (FULL TEXT). Read more.

The House of Cards versus the House of Gold

So I have a slightly guilty secret to confess: I've been watching Netflix's "House of Cards." Read more.

All You Need is Love

To understand this mystery at all, we need to understand quite what we get out of the whole thing. Read more.

More Special Than Ever — and Here's Why

This year, Divine Mercy Sunday will be historic. Read more.

Part 5: Life Issues

Read more.

The Mighty Strength of St. Patrick

"I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity ... " Read more.

Cardinal Robert Sarah

Most of his words resonated with me, but here I will talk about what he had to say on a few things: prayer, priesthood, and family. Read more.

Part 4: Death Penalty

Hardly had our human family tree put down its roots and begin sprouting branches before the first murder was committed. Read more.

Unsure About Confession? Let Pope Francis Be Your Guide

Check out the new pastoral guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, published by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. Read more.

Part 3: Immigration

The Bible commands us to shelter the homeless and welcome the stranger, but is it ever acceptable to close our doors to newcomers? Read more.

It Started with a 'Little Sketch'

Okay, it was official! I had nothing to do with the layout of this picture! Read more.

Part 2: The Environment

What would happen if we were to "become what we are," as St. John Paul II put it? Read more.

Why Divine Mercy Matters

A Q&A with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, the host of a new 14-part miniseries titled Divine Mercy Matters. Read more.

Basking in the Son's Rays at Tampa Conference

Florida in February? Divine Mercy, Mary, and the Marian Fathers? There's lots to love at EADM's 2016 Tampa Divine Mercy Conference. Read more.

Part 7: Forgive Offenses

It's a deed of mercy. And it's tough. Maybe that's why we saved "Forgive Offenses" for last. Read more.

We Need Greater Love, I'm Afraid

Read more.

A Lenten Book for the University Student in Your Family

Dr. Robert Stackpole answers the questions of a campus "Doubting Thomas." Read more.

Part 6: Be Patient With Those in Error

Many of the works of mercy come with some sort of emotional reward. Not this one. Read more.

If It Feels Good, Do It, Right?

We live in an age uniquely enslaved to its belly, to our appetites and desires, to whatever seems to satisfy and gives us pleasure for the moment. Read more.

Toward a New Doctor of the Church: Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

Read the full document, "Toward a New Doctor of the Church: Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska." The experts make the case. Read more.

'The Life and Times of Sister Faustina' (Part 4)

Older footage of a younger Fr. Seraphim, in a 1991 film introducing the life and spirituality of a little-known Polish nun. Read more.

'The Life and Times of Sister Faustina' (Part 3)

Older footage of a younger Fr. Seraphim, in a 1991 film introducing the life and spirituality of a little-known Polish nun. Read more.

'The Life and Times of Sister Faustina' (Part 2)

Older footage of a younger Fr. Seraphim, in a 1991 film introducing the life and spirituality of a little-known Polish nun. Read more.

Part 5: Console the Sorrowful

There are as many ways to comfort the sorrowful as there are people. Read more.

Lost, then Found

This is one in a series of testimonies from our readers who share their stories on the power of the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy. Read more.

Peace: We Can Get There from Here

From the archives: The following is an article that Blessed Michael Sopocko originally wrote for the Marian Helpers Bulletin, Spring 1956 issue. Read more.

'Migrants and Refugees Challenge Us. The Response of the Gospel of Mercy'

"Welcoming others means welcoming God in person!" Read more.

Part 4: Counsel Those in Doubt

Counsel the doubtful, and pray for them, that they may be blessed by God with a living faith and become some of the saints of God. Read more.

A New Year, the Same God

There is nothing we can think, feel, do, say, or experience that Jesus considers too small to be worth His notice. Read more.

Part 3: Admonish Sinners

I'd never understood why people so often make fun of street preachers. Now I understand.
Read more.

2015 — Quote, Unquote

Looking back on 2015, here are 10 power quotes that bookmarked the year for us here in the Editorial Department. Read more.

Good King Wenceslas

There is mercy in them thar Christmas carols! Here's the first of our four-part Advent series that gives a gist of the jingles. Read more.

Mother Teresa to be Canonized in Jubilee Year

Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian conference of Catholic bishops, is reporting that the canonization will probably be scheduled for Sept. 4, 2016, the day before Mother Teresa's feast day. Read more.

Part 2: Pray for the Living and the Dead

Though many of the corporal works of mercy can take gobs of time, talent, or treasure, this one is a cinch. Read more.

The Perfect Gift

It's a tall order. But fortunately, at least one such gift exists. Read more.

Part 1: Teach the Ignorant

The following is the first in a seven-part series on the spiritual works of mercy. Read more.

If Lukewarm, Reheat

When it comes to the Thanksgiving Day prayer, think it through before forking it over. Read more.

What's the Problem With This Passage?

One reader raises the question: Is the Feast of Mercy really 'the last hope' for humanity? Read more.

After Paris, Time to Go to War

We must fight in light of the reality of the situation, namely, that terrorism is of the devil, not of God. Read more.

Reach for the Stars! (With Your Prayers, That Is)

Hollywood: source of scandal, outrage ... and sanctification, if we pray for our brethren as we should. Read more.

Help Inspire Others!

Are you or someone you know engaged in works of mercy? If so, we want to hear about it! Submit Your Nominations! Read more.

'Today Is a Time of Mercy!'

As Pope Francis reminds us, the Divine Mercy of God is all about the family. Read more.

Divine Mercy Shaped the Pontificate of 'Great Mercy Pope'

Wow, have you ever considered all the things St. John Paul II had to say about Divine Mercy? As we celebrate his feast day on Oct. 22, take a look. Read more.

Why Celebrate Faustina's Death?

Why on earth would we celebrate the day a great saint died? We ask our Divine Mercy expert, Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

Why Is Faustina So Important?

Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains why this apostle of Divine Mercy is a saint for our times. Read more.

The Pope Returns to Rome

The Holy Father talks about the upcoming Synod on the Family, releases World Youth Day message, and visits Our Lady. Read more.

Saint Faustina, a Humble Apostle of Divine Mercy in Our Times

In the message Pope Francis notes that the forthcoming World Youth Day takes place within the context of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Read more.

We Are Empowered

What's the relationship between abortion and the Divine Mercy revelations received from St. Faustina? Read more.

A Philly Finale

A private meeting with victims of abuse; a meeting with bishops; shaking hands with prisoners; and more. Read more.

Now, Focus on the Family

Pope Francis comes to Philadelphia, celebrates Mass for local clergy and religious, and more! Read more.

New York, New York!

The UN General Assembly, the 9/11 Memorial, Harlem, Central Park, and a Mass at Madison Square Garden. Read more.

First Papal Address to Congress

The Pope addresses Congress, visits those most in need, and moves to New York! Read more.

Pope Francis' Address to Congress

Here's the full, official text of the Holy Father's historic address to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress. Read more.

A Papal Parade

The Holy Father visits the White House, greets the people, and more! Read more.

Pope Francis Has Landed

For the first time in his life, Pope Francis is in the United States! Our coverage begins. Read more.

Trust: When All is Well and All is Not Well

If you are focused, does that mean the difficulties will go away? Of course not. Read more.

The 80th Anniversary of the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Eight decades and counting from this heaven-sent prayer with powerful graces and promises.
Read more.

Life Through Death

You must give in order to gain. You must die in order to live. You must suffer in order to be free from suffering. Read more.

Planned Parenthood Videos: Lord, Have Mercy

The enemy of humanity has played an incredibly effective trick on us all, and the results are staggeringly grotesque. Read more.

Marians and Helpers Spearheading a Petition

Please help us in our efforts to encourage the Holy See to declare St. Faustina a Doctor of the Church. Read more.

God's Greatest Joy Is to Pardon Sinners

If we are truly sorry for our sins, we need never doubt that we will receive God's mercy. Read more.

Why Pray the Chaplet?

One of our readers shares a little story about the little ways Christ answers our prayers. Read more.

Light in the Darkness

Now is the time of mercy, proclaims Pope Francis, listening to the teaching of St. John Paul II and St. Faustina. Read more.

Saint Mary Magdalene: Sinner Turned Saint

She "had a past." That's what makes her particularly suited to our troubling times. Read more.

Divine Mercy in the Gospel of Luke

If I want to read about Jesus from the point of view of an evangelist who particularly focused on "the greatest attribute of God," I can turn to St. Luke.
Read more.

No Excuses

I'm always surprised to discover that I have something — anything — in common with a saint. Read more.

Even If Your Problems Are 'Tiny'

Jesus urged St. Faustina, "Tell Me about everything, and know that this will give Me great joy." Read more.

Part 4: The Fullness of the Truth

The Eucharist confounds many of our Christian brothers and sisters. So here's what it's all about. Read more.

'Merciful Like the Father'

Let us all prepare to celebrate this extraordinary Year of Mercy in our hearts, our homes, our families, our communities, and our parishes. Read more.

Prayer is for Sinners (as well as Saints)

Many Catholic prayers can only be honestly prayed by repenting sinners. Read more.

She Was the 'Favorite'

Only Faustina knew where her father kept the shotgun. Read more.

The Light! It Burns!

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to intercede for us that her spouse, the Holy Spirit, may descend upon us and remain with us forever. Read more.

Is It Mandatory?

Father Chris Alar, MIC, asks a tricky question. Read more.

You've Got Mail!

Cardinal Schoenborn, Bishop Barber, and Fr. Kaz all have messages for Congress participants. Read more.

He Ascended to Take Us With Him

Jesus ascended into heaven, divinity raising up humanity into an eternal relationship with God. Read more.

'Something Wicked This Way Comes'

In the news recently, the devil's in the details — and the headlines. Read more.

'Have Courage!'

Leading names in medicine, bioethics, and the spirituality of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska are in agreement when it comes to health. Read more.

Details. Details. Details.

An official motto. An official website. A full layout of plans. When it comes to the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy — game on! Read more.

The Evidence Is Everywhere

Father Glenn Sudano, CFR, talks about another "secretary" of mercy whose name begins with an "F." Read more.

Feed the Flame: Read the Bible

Take. Read. And be transformed. Read more.

In Cathedral of Christ the Light, Rays of Mercy Shine

Apostles and friends of the Divine Mercy from across the continent come together with the goal to do nothing less than change the world. Read more.

This Is What Got Me Thinking

I was watching "The X-Files," and one of the episodes was about all these roaches coming out of a drain. That was the beginning of a strange day. Read more.

'No Limit to God's Mercy'

This year marked the 25th anniversary of the live Divine Mercy Sunday broadcasts that the Marians air in collaboration with the EWTN Global Catholic Network. Read more.

Summary of the Papal Bull

Here's a summary of the papal bull Misericordiae Vultus, which declared the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Read more.

'Faustina' Comes to Town!

The nun is not a nun. It's Maria Vargo, the actress playing St. Faustina in the live drama, Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy. Read more.

Mercy Sunday During The Year of Mercy

Saint Faustina canonized; Divine Mercy Sunday established, yes, the Great Jubilee of 2000 was also a truly exceptional Jubilee of Mercy! Read more.

Papal Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

Pope Francis mentions "the great apostle of mercy, Saint Faustina Kowalska," asking for her intercession for the grace to trust and love. Read more.

The Reason for the Season

Pope Francis explains the reason for the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy in his homily for the vespers of the vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday. Read more.

Divine Mercy Overcomes Evil

Where Divine Mercy triumphs, there will be forgiveness and peace, reconciliation and healing. Read more.

After Brutal Stabbing Along Came a Feast

We received a phone call just before midnight on March 3, 2002. It was from the hospital. Our son Dan, 17, was in the emergency room. Read more.

A Clean Slate on Divine Mercy Sunday

Ever wish you could wipe out the sins of your past? You can! Here's how. Read more.

Part 15: Grand Finale on the Cross of Jesus

The following is the last installment of Dr. Robert Stackpole's 15-part series on Divine Mercy and Divine Justice. Read more.

True Peace

Christians are called to trust in the source of true peace: the Lord Jesus Christ. Read more.

Part 14: A Closer Look at the Cross — Encore!

Check out part 14 in Dr. Robert Stackpole's 15-part series on Divine Mercy and Divine Justice. Read more.

At the Bedside (and at the Foot of the Cross)

The Marian Fathers have published a new booklet to incorporate Divine Mercy spirituality with a work of mercy in which we should all be engaged. Read more.

Bronx 2015: A Call to Prayer, a Call to Action

Empowered, enthused, in love with the message of Divine Mercy — more than 600 people had their cups filled by the annual Bronx conference. Read more.

Pope Francis Declares Holy Year for Mercy

The Jubilee, also called a Holy Year, will open this year on Dec. 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
Read more.

Part 13: A Response to Terrific Feedback on the Cross

In all of the years that I have been writing articles for this website, yours was the most impressive set of comments that I have ever read. Read more.

Lowly and Lifted Up

The martyrs wear imperishable crowns, now, and shall never be forgotten. Read more.

Part 12: The Preferential Option for Peace

Give peace a chance! Read more.

Time to Dial In

Let's ask God for the strength to change, according to His will, and become the saints we were born to be. That's an offer He can't refuse. Read more.

Part 11: Thinking 'Out of the Box'

I'm going to talk about "solidarity" and "subsidiarity." Don't be intimated. Read more.

Renewal, Via Three Biblical Texts

"Today, this selfish attitude of indifference has taken on global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a globalization of indifference," the Pope says. Read more.

Part 10: Why 'Mercy Killing' Is Not Merciful

Do not be deceived by the way in which the secular media falsely presents the options here. Read more.

May the Relationship Building Begin

On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, we receive our Lenten instructions through the gospel reading. Read more.

Our Suffering Has Not Been Useless

Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, calls this one of the best talks on Divine Mercy he's ever heard (and he's heard a lot!) Read more.

Part 9: Get With the Program

He's a God of social justice, too! Read the next in Dr. Robert Stackpole's series on mercy and justice. Read more.

An Interview with Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC

Father Michael has a new book. What's so "great" about it? Plenty. This is your story, too. Read more.

Part 8: This Doctrine Makes 'A Hell of a Difference!'

Here's a thought: The Lord is merciful even to the damned. Read more.

Part 7: Is There Really 'Hell to Pay'?

The seventh installment of Dr. Robert Stackpole's 12-part series. Read more.

A 'Mercy' Cure for Smoking?

To kick the habit, she turned to a Polish saint who wore a habit. Read more.

The Power of the Chaplet

About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Here's what happened next. Read more.

So Why Is Divine Mercy So Important? Here's Why.

Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, shares thoughts on the saint whose revelations have transformed the modern Church. Read more.

Read an Excerpt from the New Faustina Biography

From pen to paper to the world. Read an excerpt from the new book Faustina: The Mystic and Her Message. Read more.

Part 6: Whatever Happened to the Doctrine of Hell?

That Catholics today generally ignore this doctrine is manifestly obvious. Read more.

A Lutheran Discovers the Power of the Chaplet

I don't usually tune in to EWTN, but there was nothing else on that interested me while I was working out.
Read more.

Part 5: A Closer Look at the Cross

We need to remember that in His infinite holiness, God cannot just ignore our mortal sins or pretend that they are unimportant. Read more.

'Grace Abounded All the More'

The following are our favorite quotes from 2014, a year in which goodness prevailed. Read more.

Hell Exists

Today, can there be any doubt hell exists and that the devil is alive in the world? Read more.

Intercessory Prayer: Do Timing and Teamwork Matter?

More people praying? And at the 3 o'clock hour? Why do these things matter, anyway? Read more.

Laughing Beneath the Lash

When the Body of Christ is crucified, the world is saved. Read more.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

He is coming. Let us rejoice, and be glad. Read more.

'Go Tell It On the Mountain'

No doubt the theme of mercy can be found in many favorite Christmas carols. Here's the last of a four-part Advent series reflecting on the theme. Read more.

Peace by Piece by Piece

What is a peacemaker anyway? Read more.

Face to Face with Faustina

Who would have thought that the cook and gardener could possibly be receiving such extraordinary visitations from Jesus? Read more.

'We Should Be Lovers'

Purity of heart means a lot more than basic chastity. Read more.

'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'

There is mercy in them thar Christmas carols! Here's the third of our four-part Advent series that gives a gist of the jingles. Read more.

Mercy, Mercy We

What will you say if asked, "Is Santa Claus real?" The following is the fifth of an eight-part Advent series on the Beatitudes. Read more.

Want to be Totally Righteous (No, It's Not A Question)

It is only by the mercy of God that the road to righteousness is open to us at all. Read more.

'Who Is He In Yonder Stall?'

There is mercy in them thar Christmas carols! Here's the second of our four-part Advent series that gives a gist of the jingles. Read more.

'Prepare for Battle!'

The Divine Mercy movement is the tip of the spear of the forces of heaven in the great conflict at the end of the world. Read more.

A Strong Case for Meekness

The following is the third of an eight-part Advent series on the Beatitudes. Read more.

Part 4: The Cross in Scripture, the Early Fathers, and the Magisterium

Gather around. Time to eat some humble pie. Read more.

Hear the Cry

Why on earth would those who mourn be called blessed? Read more.

A Life Beyond the Diary

Saint Faustina had a life beyond the Diary? Indeed! The following is an interview with the author of an extraordinary new biography on the famous saint. Read more.

Wait, Aren't We Supposed to Be Rich in Spirit?

May the blessings begin! The following is the first of an eight-part Advent series on the Beatitudes. Read more.

Happy Thanksgiving!

"I desire that my whole life be but one act of thanksgiving to You, O God," St. Faustina wrote. Read more.

Welcome Your King!

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. Read more.

Part 3: What Happened to the Gospel of the Cross?

I am going to cause some trouble. Read more.

In Q&A, Details About a Saint's Intercession

In an exclusive interview, Floribeth Mora reflects on her healing through John Paul II's intercession. Read more.

All in Balance

Saints know they are sinners, but they also know God's love is greater than all sin, so they place their hope in Him.
Read more.

Part 2: The Saints and the Doctrine of the Cross

When in doubt, consult the saints. Read more.

Part 5: Modern Medicine, Healing Prayer Can Work Together

The following is the last in a five-part weekly series, "Healing in the Name of Jesus," by Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

Part 1: Confusion Reigns!

Are you among the many who cannot quite justify the Merciful Lord's justice when He's clearly so merciful? Dr. Stackpole sorts it out so we don't have to. Read more.

Part 4: At the Heart of Healing Prayer

The following is the fourth in a five-part weekly series, "Healing in the Name of Jesus," by Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

A Promise of Divine Mercy Fulfilled

This is a story of Jesus, the Divine Mercy, saving a dying homosexual man who lived a life of so much emotional and physical pain. Read more.

Part 3: Nope, It's Not 'Faith Healing'!

The following is the third in a five-part weekly series, "Healing in the Name of Jesus," by Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

Love in the Time of Ebola

In the face of ebola, what can we do? Jesus points the way. Read more.

The First Fridays Devotion: an Invitation from the Heart of Jesus

"Let anyone who thirsts come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as scripture says: 'Rivers of living water will flow from within him.'" (Jn 7: 37-38). Read more.

'Love Your Enemies'

It's one of the hardest and most shocking teachings Christ ever gave us, and yet it's at the heart of the Christian life. Read more.

Part 2: Yesterday and Today

The following is the second in a five-part weekly series, "Healing in the Name of Jesus," by Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

Rest in Peace, Fr. Benedict Groeschel

The Marian Fathers extend condolences to the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal whose co-founder, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, died on Oct. 3. Read more.

Shrine Celebrates a Saint for Our Times

The Marian Fathers host the special day to honor the "Apostle of Divine Mercy." Read more.

Lord, Have Mercy!

Saint Faustina was given the message and devotion to help remind us all what it is to be Christian. Read more.

Part 1: Is It for Real?

The following is the first in a five-part weekly series, "Healing in the Name of Jesus," by Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

What We Need to Know

Father Jim McCormack, MIC, the novice master for the Marians in the United States, gives a series of talks on Divine Mercy. Read more.

Show Mercy to Yourself

Do you forget to show mercy to someone — yourself? Compassion for ourselves can be crucial to our ability to be merciful to others. Read more.

Here's One for the History Books!

Why all the emphasis on mercy in Pope John Paul II's second encyclical? Read more.

Road Warriors for Christ

Marian Missionaries journey to the heart of America. Read more.

Fr. Joseph, MIC, Likes It!

Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy "brought the Diary to life." Read more.

'What I Saw'

Wish you were here! The Divine Mercy Apostolates of the Marian Fathers share what they saw at the 2014 World Apostolic Congress on Mercy. Read more.

Was St. Faustina a Sinner?

Readers of St. Faustina's Diary sometimes come across passages that do not seem to put her in a very good light. Read more.

Which is He: A God of Wrath or of Mercy?

If we insist on going our own way, He will respect the freedom He gave to us, and not compel us to turn away from our sins and be sanctified. ... Read more.

Buffalo Blessings

Here's our blog from Buffalo. Read more.

Love: The Measure of Success

As WACOM III concludes in Bogota, we hear from Cardinal Schoenborn what would count as success. And the next location is announced! Read more.

Seeking the Cross

For all you cross-hunters, St. Helen's the saint for you.
Read more.

Salt of the Earth

"Out of the depths I call to you, LORD; Lord, hear my cry! May your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy." (Ps 130) Read more.

'Be Witnesses of Mercy'

Cardinal Schoenborn, the president of WACOM, sends you his greetings! Read more.

God's Grace is Enough

We get a look at Colombia's many wounds and the power of God's grace in WACOM's second day. Read more.

A Day of Light and Roses

On the solemnity of the Assumption, a mountaintop experience at the third World Apostolic Congress on Mercy. Read more.

To 'the Very Heart of the Diary'

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. George Kosicki, a great friend of the Marians and promoter of Divine Mercy.
Read more.

In Darkness, Light

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal's successful struggle against many sufferings and great inner darkness offers hope Read more.

Historic Congress Set to Open

The Congress will offer the opportunity "to study, to reflect on, to celebrate the message and reality of the richness and power of God's mercy," says Fr. Kaz. Read more.

'We're Not Alone. The Lord is Here.'

The power of the Chaplet, the reality of the Diary, the mercy of God: They all add up in times of crisis. Read more.

Saint Faustina and the Sacred Heart

" ... From Your open Heart, as from a pure fount, Flows comfort to a repentant heart and soul ... " Read more.

Feast of Corpus Christi, 2014

We celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi on June 22. What does it mean to be "alive"? It's a good day to find out. Read more.

A Rather Arresting Vocation

Who would have thought? From common criminals to terrorists, Anthony Cardone thought he had seen it all. He hadn't. Not yet anyway. Read more.

'Another Fresh Stream'

June is dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Read Dr. Robert Stackpole's series that explores the relationship between The Sacred Heart and The Divine Mercy. Read more.

Rave Reviews for Faustina Drama

Have you heard about the 90-minute live-drama production Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy? If not, here's a glimpse of it: Read more.

Called By Saints to Be Saints

"We're going to teach the teachers, so that you guys can go out and help educate those who really don't know our Catholic faith," said Deacon Chris Alar, MIC. Read more.

10 Years of Total Patient Care

In this landmark year, we caught up with Marie to discuss her ministry and the great issues in modern healthcare.
Read more.

Next Stop: Colombia

Pope Francis has taken a personal interest in the Congress, particularly since it's being held in the Holy Father's home continent of South America. Read more.

'Joy Is What Makes Catholicism Contagious'

We have the story. We have the photos. We have videos, too! Divine Mercy apostles from 15 states gathered in the Bronx this past weekend. Check it out. Read more.


Find Jesus in the Sacrament of Confession. Be made clean this Lent by the love of the Lord, mediated through His Mystical Body. Go! Read more.

A Call for Prayer

While rescuers and investigators search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, there is something we need to do. Read more.

A 'Course' of Action

Looking for a way to go right to the heart of the Catholic faith during Lent? Well then, tune in. Read more.

Proof of How the Diary Stacks Up Against Scripture

In time for Lent, Marian Press has released Mercy's Gaze, by Vinny Flynn. We speak with the book's editor, David Came, about this landmark publication. Read more.

A Tale of Two Popes

On the feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Feb. 22, time to reflect upon this remarkable year of two popes and the changes it's brought to the Church. Read more.

'Trifecta of Mercy'

Three Mercy Popes will come together in the "winner's circle of grace" this Divine Mercy Sunday. Read more.

Going for the Gold!

With the Olympic Games upon us, it's worth asking: Of what does true greatness consist? Here are three examples. Read more.

Father Sopocko and Another Famous Confessor

Curious, isn't it? Two priests ministering to two "secretaries." Surely, God is telling us something. Read more.

Pope John Paul II and Vatican II

Why are Popes John XXIII and John Paul II being canonized in the same ceremony on Divine Mercy Sunday? Dr. Alan Schreck explains. Read more.

We All Have a Deadline. So Now What?

Two weeks ago I was looking down the barrel of a proverbial gun. Read more.

Pope John XXIII and Vatican II

You've heard of John Paul II. You might have heard of John XXIII, and perhaps heard of Vatican II. What ties them together? Read more.

What's in a Gaze?

An excerpt from Vinny Flynn's latest book, Mercy's Gaze: 100 Readings from Scripture and the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

Roe v. Wade Anniversary

The biggest roadblocks standing in the way of real progress regarding abortion aren't our politicians. Read more.

A Third Congress Will Convene!

The Congress is expected to draw thousands, including many cardinals, and will include testimonies, lectures, street celebrations, Holy Masses, and missions. Read more.

Reasonable Hope

Dr. Robert Stackpole's 11-part series concludes quite logically with a happy ending. Read more.

Meet the Secretary's Secretary

Call it a permanent spiritual internship. Read more.

The Wonder of Existence

What is the strongest argument of all for the existence of God? Dr. Robert Stackpole makes the case. Read more.

'Judge Not'

One breath of this phrase can single-handedly sap the evangelical strength of the most solid Christian. Read more.

A Long Drive Leads to Faustina

A review of a live drama based on the saint who, after Mary, has helped me fall in love with Jesus more than any other. Read more.

The Holy Father Has 'Prescribed' Mercy

"It is a 'spiritual medicine' called Misericordina," Pope Francis says. Read more.

Saint Faustina and the Suffering Souls

Do we have evidence that the deceased need prayer? Absolutely. A number of the living have visited with the dead. Read more.

Happy Birthday, Sisters!

Those touched by the ministry of the congregation include millions of Divine Mercy devotees worldwide. Read more.

The Right Priest at the Right Time

Read about Fr. Michael Sopocko's early years, before he met a certain nun whose revelations would change the world. Read more.

Who Was She?

Here are first-hand accounts of the "person behind the saint."
Read more.

His Marian Legacy Continues

Pope Francis owes an important part of his Marian devotion to the example set by Blessed Pope John Paul II, whose feast day we celebrate Tuesday, Oct. 22. Read more.

Where Our Misery Meets God's Mercy

In his new book, 7 Secrets of Confession, Vinny Flynn takes on the distortions many have about confession. Read more.

Mourning the Missing

"The retreat is for anyone that's experienced the loss of a child in their life," he explained. "It's to help the person to heal."
Read more.

On a Role

For Maria Vargo, portraying St. Faustina in the long-awaited drama Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy becomes habit forming in more ways than one. Read more.

Let's Talk About 'His Signature Touch'

We need only to look at what Pope Francis is living, as well as preaching. Read more.

'A Priest After My Own Heart'

Who's Blessed Michael Sopocko? We're here to tell you.

Read more.

The Problem with 'Nothing Buttery'

In his letter to his niece, our columnist Dr. Robert Stackpole gets down to an undeniable "kernel" of truth. Read more.

Can We Really Know Anything for Sure?

In the first installment of his new series, Dr. Robert Stackpole makes things "Krystal" clear. Read more.

'Here I Am, Lord'

Brother Chris Alar, MIC, professes his perpetual vows, and no one could possibly look happier. Read more.

How Did Their Legacies Intertwine?

God tapped both for major roles in the renewal of the universal Church. You've heard of her. You may not have heard of him. Read more.

It Begins with an H

Guess what virtue is most pleasing to God? Answer: humility. Next question: Do we practice it? Read more.

A Sobering Thought

Mark Endres shares with us reason for hope amidst the beer and bacchanalia of a college bash. Read more.

Next Stop: Canonization

The Vatican announces that John Paul II and John XXIII will be canonized together. We also learn of a Costa Rican woman's "Divine Mercy Sunday miracle."
Read more.

Yes, Even She

There is but one blush-worthy entry in St. Faustina's Diary. Read more.

Saved by a Mother's Love

He didn't even attend his parents' funerals. That's how hardened his heart had become. Read more.

The Image's Scriptural Foundation? Here It Is.

The following is an excerpt from the new booklet published by Marian Press, The Divine Mercy Image Explained. Read more.

A Glimpse Back to the Beatification

In John Paul II: The Great Mercy Pope, we see how much his papacy and beatification were infused with the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Read more.

Not by Sight, But By Faith

He'll have to yield to this one final offense — having to breathe when he no longer wants to breathe. Read more.

They Speak the Same Language: Mercy

Surely, you've noticed: Like Benedict XVI, Pope Francis is proclaiming and witnessing to God's mercy. Let's talk specifics.
Read more.

That's Not Fair!

Much of our crying out against unfair accusations stems from concern for our own egos, not a pure thirst for justice in the world.

Read more.

The Image? The Graces? Confession?

Snow in March: We have a flurry of questions about Divine Mercy Sunday. Read more.

Read Pope Francis' Inaugural Homily

In a very moving homily, he calls for protection of God's creatures, the environment, "and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need." Read more.

'Here I Am'

The Church has a new Holy Father, and he is supporter of the message of Divine Mercy. Read more.

The Church Is Alive

What was Benedict XVI's final teaching and witness as Pope?
Read more.

Pope Benedict XVI's Top 10 Mercy Quotes

We will always remember him as a Pope of Divine Mercy. Here's why ... Read more.

The Church's Mercy Doctor?

Pope John Paul II made the case for declaring St. Faustina one of the Church's greatest saints. So now what? Read more.

'A Gift of Divine Mercy'

The Pope announced plans for his retirement. Among his many contributions to the Church has been his steadfast support of the message of Divine Mercy. Read more.

Save the Country, One Prayer at a Time

What's the plan? The Diary of St. Faustina provides the blueprints. Read more.

From Purgatory to Heaven

Here's the last in Dr. Robert Stackpole's 8-part series on the spirituality of St. Faustina's spiritual director, Blessed Michael Sopocko. Read more.

Asian Missionaries Gather for Mercy Congress

Divine Mercy apostles from 12 countries gather for the 2nd Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy. Read more.

Divine Mercy's Greatest Gifts: The Eucharist and Mary

Our Divine Mercy columnist Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD, continues his series on St. Faustina's confessor, Blessed Michael Sopocko. Read more.

An Intersection of Opportunity

Who does Advent in the Year of Faith offers a great chance for Catholic spiritual renewal? Read more.

Divine Mercy Refreshes Us in the Sacraments

Take any long hike through the hills and valleys of the countryside, and you will need refreshment along the way. Read more.

Prophet for Our Times

Let's consider these prophecies of St. Faustina that have proved true. Read more.

How Does Divine Mercy Deliver Us from Despair?

"If we search for the very first, deepest cause of despair, we always find a lack of trust in the Mercy of God." Read more.

The Gospel Validity of the Messages

Re-examine. Isolate. And compare. My, what wonderful results Fr. George Kosicki get when he studies the Diary and the Bible side by side. Read more.

A Reminder of What God is Willing to Do for Us

Many people these days see their lives as little more than a seemingly endless string of frustrations. Time for a lesson from Blessed Michael Sopocko. Read more.

Divine Mercy Takes the Shape of a Cross

Read more.

'Mission of Mercy' to the World

As a milestone for St. Faustina Maria Kowalska comes upon us, the Marians assess her legacy. Read more.

Divine Mercy Loves Us Into Being

But why did God even bother with us? Saint Faustina's spiritual director explains. Read more.

What Are Jesus' Most Important Revelations to St. Faustina?

Father Joseph Roesch, MIC, fields a question on the minds of many people just getting introduced to the message of The Divine Mercy. Read more.

A Relic's New Home

View a video and read all about the historic day at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Read more.

Is the Chaplet Equal to the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?

If we now have the Chaplet for the dying, do we really need to call a priest for the Sacrament of Anointing? Read more.

FINCH Flies High with Family

Mother uses simple acts to teach children about Divine Mercy.
Read more.

Our Hope and Remedy

Ten years after papal entrustment, the world needs Divine Mercy more than ever. Read more.

What Did the Apostolic Letters Seek to Achieve?

We celebrate the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29. What do they have to say about Divine Mercy? Read more.

The 'Other' Martyr of Auschwitz

Saint Teresa Benedita (Edith Stein) held Mary as the role model. Kind of reminds you of another Polish saint. Read more.

Chaplet Miracles Outside an Abortion Clinic

Praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and seeing miracles! Read more.

My Miraculous Cure

She had the same disease as John Paul II. In his suffering she saw her future. But God had other plans. Read more.

A Plane Goes Down, But His Rays Soon Follow

The Flathead County sheriff called the Weavers on Monday, June 28, 2010, notifying them that a plane had gone missing. Read more.

What's Church Belief on Homosexuality, and Why?

A number of people write to me about struggles with same-sex attraction, or how to respond to family and friends who have "come out of the closet." Read more.

Witness to a Medical Miracle

She told her beloved confrere to write the words "Jean Paul II." That's when things really got interesting. Read more.

Mercy and Post-Abortive Mothers

"She had been carrying all that guilt and shame for 60 years, wondering if she could ever be forgiven by the God of love and mercy." Read more.

'A Double Blessing'

As we reflect on all that had occurred in Jerusalem back then, we begin to get an inkling of what that greeting meant: "Peace be with you." Read more.

'Mary, Mercy, and Souls'

"Mary, Mercy, and Souls" — not a bad way to kick off Divine Mercy Weekend. Read more.

Like Poland in the 1930s, Are We Due for Chastisement?

In response to a letter from Colleen and Paul, here's a cautionary tale. Read more.

The Miracle

With the anniversary on May 1 of the beatification of Blessed John Paul II, let's take a look at the sister who experienced a miracle. Read more.

View Videos from the Marians' Divine Mercy Conference

We've got things to show you — talks from Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Fr. Joe Roesch, and Fr. Michael Gaitley. Read more.

A Message Resonates, a Mission Restores

Their first Divine Mercy prayer service drew five people. Last year, the afternoon service hosted 400, a growth of 8,000 percent. Read more.

'The Lord Heard Our Prayers'

Almost two years ago, the Marian Fathers came to India. They had a dream, a hope, and lots of prayer. Today, they have a result. Read more.

'The Light for Humankind'

Organizers are already gearing up for the third World Apostolic Congress on Mercy. View a video from the general secretary. Read more.

'We Believe in the Power of the Chaplet'

"God has acted in our lives. He sent St. Faustina to us, and we're responding to that." Read more.

Fr. Sopocko and Another Famous Confessor

Blessed Sopocko — confessor and spiritual director to St. Faustina. Saint Claude — confessor and spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Hmm ... Read more.

His Legacy Endures

Marian Press has released the Beatification Edition of John Paul II: The Great Mercy Pope. The following is the foreward by the Very Rev. Kazimierz Chwalek. Read more.

Marian Missionaries Make a Plea for Disaster Relief

The deadly typhoon has left thousands without shelter, food and water. The area hit hardest is Cagayan de Oro, home of the Marians' Divine Mercy mission. Read more.

Mercy: Just Some Food for Thought

Our Savior's example should motivate us to love without measure and to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others. Read more.

What Was St. Faustina's Big, Mysterious Secret?

One reader asks of "a mystery of which no one, not even the angels, may know." Let's investigate. Read more.

Inside: A Prescription for What Ails Us

Questions are asked and conclusions drawn at the Marians' recent Divine Mercy conference. Read more.

Mercy, From the Ground Up

How one parish uses an inheritance to insure its congregants be 'image' conscious. Read more.

Why Did St. Faustina Need a Spiritual Guide?

After all, didn't she speak directly to Jesus? Read more.

Is Asking St. Faustina to Pray for Us a 'Pagan' Practice?

One reader writes: "When I told my Protestant friend I was going to pray to St. Faustina for her, she told me not to bother." Read more.

Falling Over Backwards for The Divine Mercy

Here's another example of how Jesus keeps His promises. Read more.

Why Do Some Doctrines Seem to Lack Biblical Support?

The Protestants say we are making all this up. Read more.

Build it. He Will Come.

I've been turning to the dictionary and the Diary of St. Faustina to get a better understanding of the "t" word. Read more.

Is St. Faustina too Liberal or too Conservative?

If you live long enough, I guess, you will eventually find every form of lunacy somewhere in print. Read more.

His Most Compassionate Heart

What can I say or do to help keep my child safe from that kind of darkness? Read more.

Ask a Marian

I've heard that St. Faustina was a prophet. What does this mean? Can you share some examples? Read more.

Is Divine Mercy for All Christians?

Two thoughts from the revelations of Jesus to St. Faustina seem to give us the answer to this question. Read more.

Father Donald Is Interviewed on ABC

Network producers turn to the Marians' "surfer priest" in a special report on Marian apparitions. Read more.

Say 'Yes' to God's Love

I desire to have His love at work within me, transforming me. But I don't know how to go about it and I quickly get frustrated. Read more.

Time and Again, Two Types of Healing

Read an excerpt from Divine Mercy, Triumph Over Cancer: A Guide for Patients, Survivors, and Their Caregivers (Marian Press). Read more.

Clearly, You Can Start Small

The Holy Father presented Abraham from the Old Testament as a model of such prayer. Read more.

The New Evangelization's Next Stop

Thousands of people from around the world are making plans to attend the second World Apostolic Congress on Mercy in Krakow, Poland, on Oct. 1-5. Come and join us! Read more.

There's Hope for the Journey That's Cancer

Read an excerpt from Divine Mercy, Triumph over Cancer: A Guide for Patients, Survivors, and Their Caregivers (Marian Press). Read more.

A Marian's Perilous Journey

It was 70 years ago this month when a young Polish priest beat the odds and began to fulfill a promise he made to God.
Read more.

At the Foot of the Cross

The wife of an abusive husband pleads for prayers. Read more.

God Listens to Our Prayers

Tornados, a bridge collapse, a happy death, a client at Planned Parenthood. Connect the dots, and you have proof that Christ keeps His word with regard to the Chaplet. Read more.

'Pain of the Soul'

Pain and suffering are universal experiences, says His Excellency the Most Rev. Zygmunt Zimowski, top Vatican prelate on healthcare issues. Archbishop Zimowski says the answer to dealing productively with these experiences can be found in God. Read more.

A 'Blessed' Connection

Before their very eyes, Marians' efforts are fulfilled on a beautiful day in St. Peter's Square. Read more.

John Paul II Reigns Over Divine Mercy Sunday

Each of the more than 20,000 pilgrims who visited the National Shrine brought with them their own particular circumstances in life. Read more.

Got Questions?

Discover what Divine Mercy Sunday is, how to prepare for it, and how to celebrate it. Read more.

A Testament to Divine Mercy

He has risen. His Resurrection is for us. Read more.

Follow the Merciful Way

Saint Faustina built on these great saints who had gone before her. But what is so special about the merciful way of St. Faustina? Read more.

Wanted: Well-Trained Disciples

Now here's an offer you may not be able to refuse: This summer, class will be in session. Take the Divine Mercy studies "Honors" program. Read more.

We Must Be the Message

No idle chat, no wishful thinking, no time to waste. A signature event in the Bronx serves as marching orders. Read more.

Mercy for Japan

Thousands have been killed or are missing. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Basic necessities are scarce. We need to help. Read more.

Just 16 But a Chaplet Regular

How a granddaughter's pure, innocent prayer life inspires and consoles. Read more.

Christ Said 'Paint an Image'

What's the significance of the Image of The Divine Mercy? On this, the 80th anniversary of St. Faustina's revelation, let's hear from the experts. Read more.

Just Imagine

The great Divine Mercy apostle Fr. George W. Kosicki, CSB, "interviews" St. Faustina about her sanctity and spiritual life. Read more.

'In Her Footsteps'

Lila Rose (pictured above) has a big fan who plans to attend the Marians' 6th Annual Divine Mercy Conference on March 26, in Bronx, N.Y. Read more.

Just a Tip: When This Priest Speaks of Trust, Trust Him

The feast day of St. Faustina's confessor and spiritual director Blessed Michael Sopocko is Feb. 15. Let's hear from him on that greatest virtue. Read more.

It Really Does Rock

Note to self: Lent begins March 9. Don't forget. Read more.

How Did We Get Where We Are?

It all started with a small prayer group. Now Eucharistic Apostles of The Divine Mercy is all over the world. Do you want to join in? Read more.

His 'Personal Task Before God'

From his seminary days through the new millennium, he knew something profound had occurred in the life of a lowly, local nun. Read more.

John Paul II to Be Beatified!

A miracle through his intercession has been approved and the date set. So what's it all mean for the Church? Read more.

Hey, What's Divine Mercy Doing on That Thing?

The Marians have stepped deeper into the digital age with a new, free Divine Mercy app for the iPhone. May the downloading begin! Read more.

Do Catholics Trust the Bible More Than Science?

One reader asks: "How can educated people today really hear the message of Divine Mercy ... if it is all tied up in knots with biblical and ecclesiastical fundamentalism?" Read more.

Merry Christmas!

Our daily Advent meditations conclude on this, the birthday of our Savior! Read more.

A Remembrance of Midnight Mass

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "A Remembrance of Midnight Mass." Read more.

'The Mother of God Is Instructing Me'

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "The Mother of God Is Instructing Me." Read more.

'To Be The Lord's Delight'

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "To Be the Lord's Delight." Read more.

'How Greatly God Loves Us'

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "How Greatly God Loves Us." Read more.

'I Suddenly Saw the Infant Jesus'

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "I Suddenly Saw the Infant Jesus." Read more.

The Greatest Gift

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "The Greatest Gift." Read more.

O Blessed Host

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "O Blessed Host." Read more.

Small Suffering for a Great Cause

Our Advent meditation series continues with "Small Suffering for a Great Cause." Read more.

Mercy in the Pope's New Book

Holy Father highlights "Mercy Sunday" and a passage from the Diary of St. Faustina on the "final coming." Read more.

What We Are Meant to Be

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "What We Are Meant to Be." Read more.

Who Needs a Messiah?

Our daily Advent meditation series continues with "Who Needs a Messiah?" Read more.

A New Doctor of the Church?

Pray that the Lord inspire, challenge, and encourage Pope Benedict to make this bold proclamation now. Read more.

How to Fill the Gap

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "How to Fill the Gap." Read more.

How Can I Forget?

Our daily Advent meditations continue with: "How Can I Forget?" Read more.

Poor, Yes, But Not Pitiful.

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "Poor, Yes, But Not Pitiful." Read more.

'Just Trying to Get Through This Day in One Piece'

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "Just Trying to Get Through This Day in One Piece." Read more.

Suffering: What's the Use?

Our daily Advent meditations continue with "Suffering: What's the Use?" Read more.

'Your Words Are a Balm'

Our daily Advent meditations continue with 'Your Words Are a Balm.' Read more.

Who Is Our Spiritual 'Blueprint'?

Our daily Advent meditation continues with "Who Is Our Spiritual Blueprint?" ... Read more.

'Hope Amid the Ruins'

Our daily Advent series continues with 'hope amid the ruins.' Read more.

To Be Followers of Christ

Read our daily Advent meditation based on the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

Thinking About An Immortal Soul

Read our daily Advent meditation based on the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

'You Comfort and Heal'

Read our daily Advent meditation based on the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

Today's Resolution

Read the next in our daily series of meditations leading up to Christmas Day. Read more.

Two Key Tips for Growing in Faith

The Diary of St. Faustina helps us grow in union with Christ. Read the next in our daily series of Advent meditations. Read more.

'God of Unfathomable Mercy'

Our daily Advent meditations continue as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. Read more.

God's 'Third Attribute'

Read our daily Advent meditation drawn from the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

The Second Kind of Knowledge: His Justice

Read our daily Advent meditation based on the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

At the Epicenter for St. Faustina

Father Seraphim helped secure Faustina's sainthood. But it's not about him, so don't ask. Read more.

God Cuts to the Chase

Read our daily Advent meditations that draw on the Diary of St. Faustina. Read more.

Does Catholicism 'Revel In Suffering'?

One reader finds Catholic imagery "rather disconcerting." But Dr. Robert Stackpole explains what the pain is all about. Read more.

Is Divine Mercy Devotion Just Based on Private Revelations?

Dr. Stackpole tackles misunderstandings about the Church's official stance toward St. Faustina's revelations. Read more.

What Does 'Divine Mercy' Actually Mean?

It's semantics. It's spiritual. It's very important. Read more.

On God's Time

She waited for God to select the right time for her to pray the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy.
Read more.

An Institute's Mercy Mission Expands

Say you form an impressive advisory board dedicated to the study and evangelization of Divine Mercy — then what? Read more.

What is the Meaning of the Rays?

They are red and pale. Why? They come from Christ's Heart. Why? Our readers want to know. Read more.

They Asked. They Received.

The Shrine's St. Faustina Day celebration was capped off with a question-and-answer session featuring a panel of experts.
Read more.

Faustina: Saint for the Third Millennium

A "new splendor for the Church." That's what St. Faustina predicted. Despite treacherous turns and difficult roadblocks, here's how her prophecy proved true. Read more.

Why Does God Let His Best Friends Get 'Beaten Up' So Often?

A Carmelite named Mellie sent me a question that is certainly refreshing for its honesty. Read more.

Divine Mercy and the Death Penalty

"Each man, no matter how sinful and flawed, has a final purpose and call to salvation ..." writes the Most Rev. Robert W. Finn. Read more.

How One Divine Mercy Critic Misses the Mark

What did an essayist write about the Divine Mercy message and devotion? Here it is, and here are the many reasons why he's wrong. Read more.

Our Forked River 'Fiasco' (But Not Really)

A multimedia breakdown for Mother of Mercy Messengers. But the show goes on! Read more.

Why Doesn't the Chaplet Always 'Work'?

If the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy is such a "powerful" prayer, what are we doing wrong? Read more.

Is the Chaplet Only for the Living and Dying?

Dr. Robert Stackpole clarifies a couple questions regarding the powerful intercessory prayer given to St. Faustina. Read more.

Trust Even When All Is Not Well

When the world caves in around us, how do we trust? Try the Heart of Jesus. Read more.

Part 3: St. Faustina and the Secret of the Holy Trinity

What did St. Faustina mean by the "burning" and "glowing center of love" in the Holy Trinity? Read more.

Part 2: St. Faustina and the Secret of the Holy Trinity

How has God revealed Himself through the ancient people of Israel, through Jesus Christ, and through His Church? Read more.

How Are We to Respond to God's Mercy?

Read an excerpt from the new book Faustina, Saint For Our Times: A Personal Look at Her Life, Spirituality, and Legacy. Read more.

Part 1: St. Faustina and the Secret of the Holy Trinity

Many readers have asked: When St. Faustina writes about the Holy Trinity, how can I come to understand what in the world she is talking about? Read more.

Embraced by The Divine Mercy

A tragedy at Virginia Tech upends a family, but it was Christ's mercy that can claim the victory. Read more.

Was St. Faustina 'Miserable' Most of the Time?

Tom asks: "Do you have any insight on why St. Faustina many times refers to herself as a miserable soul?" Read more.

Can You Hear That? It's Push-Back from My Contraception Series.

I've had a number of excellent questions pour in, all in response to my series. I will try to answer some of the toughest ones. Read more.

What's in a Name?

A lot, if you happen to be named "Helena" or, say, "Faustina." Let's just say the Lord's inspiration must have been at work. Read more.

Faustina: A Blending of East and West

How did her life, mission, and spirituality blend elements of two Church traditions? Read an excerpt from the new book Faustina, Saint For Our Times. Read more.

Have I Committed the 'Unforgivable Sin'?

Q&A: One reader frets about a particular sin Jesus speaks of in the Bible. "... I feel like God has abandoned me," he writes, "and I can't shake that feeling ..." Read more.

A Tri-lingual Parish with One Common Goal

How the message and devotion have brought unity to a parish, in a diocese entrusted to Divine Mercy. Read more.

'Like One Big Family'

A meeting of the minds in Vienna. The plans ahead for the historic spread of mercy around the world. Read more.

Present and Accounted For

It took but a moment to profess his perpetual vows. But that moment marks an eternity of consequence. Read more.

The Pope: Our Priests Need Divine Mercy

For their ministry, to be credible at the altar and in the confessional, priests must turn to God's mercy in their own lives. Read more.

Three Rings. Three Cheers!

The attendees of the Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy conference are unlike any other. Here's why. Read more.

Divine Mercy — For Your Health!

An amazing line-up of healthcare professionals gathered to talk shop and glorify Jesus. Believe it: Their expertise is cutting-edge. Read more.

The Divine Mercy Comes to Wall Street

How did one broker, speeding down Wall Street in pursuit of material wealth, experience a radical redirection? Read more.

A Convent Conundrum?

In one part of the Diary of St. Faustina Jesus tells Faustina she must not leave her convent. But later on Faustina contemplates leaving her order to start a new one. So what was Jesus up to, anyway? Read more.

Father Jack Fullen

He believed all this devotion to Mary was a bunch of hokum. Then he stepped through St. Joseph's Gate in Lourdes, France, and everything changed. Read more.

Why is Divine Mercy So Important?

The answer is simple: Through the message of Divine Mercy, our Lord is preparing us for His final coming. Read more.

'I Remember Sr. Maria Faustina'

On the tenth anniversary of St. Faustina's canonization, here are personal memories of the saint from a fellow religious who knew her. Read more.

'Faustina, a Gift of God to Our Time'

Pope John Paul II, a great promoter of Divine Mercy, gave a beautiful testament to the importance of St. Faustina for the world today. Read his canonization homily. Read more.

Celebrating the Mercy Saint!

From the archives: Our report from Rome at the canonization of St. Faustina. Also, the Holy Father's big surprise for Divine Mercy apostles. Read more.

Proof that 'Miracles Do Happen'

What's the story of the healing that became the canonization miracle for St. Maria Faustina? Here it is! Read more.

They Know How to Reach the 'Lost Generation'

Think about it: A hundred kids commit suicide each week. This is an epidemic. This is a symptom of the culture of despair. So now what? Read more.

The Abuse Scandal and the Mercy Required

Invoking God's mercy and calling for a spirit of penance, conversion, and reconciliation, Pope Benedict XVI speaks out. Read more.

Put to the Test, with St. Faustina by My Side

I soon found out. Jesus was leading us to the message of The Divine Mercy. And it couldn't have come at a more opportune time.
Read more.

An Estimated 18,000 Pack the Hill!

From near and far, pilgrims attended the annual Divine Mercy Sunday celebration at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Read more.

Divine Mercy Conference 2010: Armed with 'God's Merciful Love'

Have you fought the good fight lately with the "armor of light" — the "armor of God's merciful love"?
Read more.

Today's Lesson: Forgiveness

"How can you not believe in God after reading her book and listening to her speak?" Read more.

We're in a World of Confusion. Now What?

Hosted by the Marians, the conference featured speakers whose witnesses intertwined modern struggles with eternal truths to form a hardwearing lifeline to the merciful Lord.

Read more.

If God is so Merciful, Why Is There a Hell? (Part Two)

Dear Mike, I certainly appreciate your compassion for those in hell. No doubt, our Savior, in one sense, shares it. But ... Read more.

If God is so Merciful, Why is There a Hell?

Mercy and Hell don't mix. Or do they? Dr. Stackpole shows that God's merciful love and the eternal loss of those who refuse it are not incompatible truths. Read more.

The Full Story, at Last

This month, Marian Press launches No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy, Fr. Donald's new book that presents the full account of his story by the only man who can tell it as his own.
Read more.

Love: The Last Word

No matter how many distortions the Father of Lies tries to feed us, our final conversation will be with Truth and Love. Read more.

Our Top 10 Mercy Stories of 2009

It's certainly been a year of hardship for many. But 2009 has also been a year of mercy. We can prove it! Read more.

Does His Mercy Extend Even to Satan Worshippers?

One reader asks: "What about occultists (especially Satanists) who blatantly proclaim hatred of God and worship Satan Himself?" Read more.

One Season, Two Views

She used to shun the season out of fear of His judgment. He used to reject anyone's attempt to speak with certainly about the "All in all." Read what happened next. Read more.

The 'Necessary' Message for Our Times

The following is the homily delivered by Fr. S. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, during the Holy Mass that closed the first North American Congress on Mercy on Nov. 15. Read more.

What the Lord Wants From Us

"Jesus Himself calls us to deeds of mercy, by words and by prayers," Cardinal Schönborn writes in a letter to mercy congress planners and participants. Read more.

A Mercy Congress Primer

The centerpieces to congress include the importance of trust, works of mercy, and the message of The Divine Mercy for our times. Read more.

How I Discovered I Am Someone (But Who?)

While it was a difficult time, I look back and realize that it was one of the best things that happened to me. Read more.

Former Abortionist Now a Witness to Mercy

Our world is "the slop," says Mercy Congress speaker Dr. John Bruchalski. "When you're in the slop," he says, "you need hope." And that's where mercy comes in. Read more.

Mercy Takes to the Airwaves

"Mercy: Our Hope" is not only the theme for the upcoming Mercy Congress, but also the guiding truth for the modern mercy movement. Read more.

Is There a Doctor in the House?

A woman named Angela recently wrote to me asking a question I have received several times before, but always hesitated to try to answer. Read more.

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

How are we to understand the Trinity? Maybe we need a little 3-in-One oil. Read more.

Father Seraphim on Jesus, High Priest of the New Covenant

Why is our Lord attempting to focus the Church's attention upon the truths of His holy priesthood? Read more.

Part 14: Finding the Right Path

How do I know for sure what Jesus is calling me to do? Read more.

Part 13: The Most Innocent and Helpless of All

There cannot be a more innocent and helpless form of human life then an unborn child in the first home of the human race: a mother's womb. Read more.

Part 12: In Defense of Innocent Human Life

There are no "throw-away" human beings. People are not reducible to "things," merely "useful" or "useless" to our relatives, to the economy, to the government, or even to ourselves. Read more.

Part 11: The Spiritual Works of Mercy

Works of mercy can be directed not only toward the needs of the body, but the needs of the soul as well. Read more.

Part 10: The Corporal Works of Mercy

Centered on the Merciful Heart of Jesus, we are to let His merciful love flow through our hearts toward anyone in need whom we meet along life's way.
Read more.

Part 9: His Sacred Heart — Is This What Makes You Tick?

Jesus Christ sees the needs, sufferings, and sorrows of every heart. But in order to reach out and help them, He asks the members of His Body on earth — the Church — to be His hands, His feet, and His voice. Read more.

Part 8: The Call You May Have Missed

In your eagerness to change the world for Christ, you can easily miss the will of His Heavenly Father. Read more.

Part 7: How Can We Hear Our Shepherd's Voice?

Finally we've reached it, the beginning of our spiritual journey! Read more.

Part 6: Living on The Bread of Life

This is the easy part. Read more.

Part 5: Setting Your Priorities

To make a real difference in this world as a disciple of Christ does not necessarily mean you have to do more. Read more.

Part 4: Start with Yourself

In order to help make the world a better place, by Christ and with Christ, we have to start by changing ourselves. Here's one sure-fire way to do that. Read more.

Part 3: The Five Loaves And Two Fish Principle

The following is part 3 of a 14-part series to help inspire parish cenacle or study groups who are looking for ways to make a difference in this troubled world. Read more.

Part 2: The Only Way to Change the World

To make a difference in this world, the first thing you have to realize is that you are totally incapable of doing it by your own human efforts. Read more.

Part 1: A World in Need

Even the problems in our own families, in our neighborhoods, or at our jobs seem beyond our capacities to put right. So now what? Read more.

Feast Day of St. John Eudes

Three things must be done to engrave Christ's mercy on our hearts. What are they? Read more.

Promoting Mercy and NACOM

Rick hopes that by attending NACOM, he can share God's mercy with others "so mercy can be put into action." Read more.

'Mercy' in the Pope's New Encyclical

With the ongoing challenge of globalization and the severe worldwide recession as a backdrop, Pope Benedict XVI issued his third encyclical on July 7. Read more.

How Are We 'Saved' by God's Merciful Love?

One of the main issues that divided Catholics from Protestants at the time of the Protestant Reformation was the doctrine of salvation. What's the disagreement? Read more.

Saul, Paul, and That is All

"Trust is the essential aspect in courage required to spread the Word of God," Dr. Bryan Thatcher said. Read more.

'A Mercy Pope'

David Came, author of the new book Pope Benedict's Divine Mercy Mandate, was the guest on Fr. Benedict Groeschel's "Sunday Night LIVE." Read more.

Part 6: A Balancing Act

At every stop of this mission, the clergy speaks of the coming election. It could sow the seeds of stability. Or it could cause hell to break lose once again Read more.

How to Serve Our Lord in Tough Financial Times

Given the world economic downturn that we are all facing this year, the question I received a few weeks ago is likely to be on a lot of people's minds these days: Read more.

So What Does the Image Mean?

It originated from a vision. But what does the image of The Divine Mercy mean for us all? Read more.

This is Not a 'Dead Object'

Christ once lamented to St. Faustina how so many people don't seem to understand the Eucharist. Maybe this will shed some light. Read more.

Motherhood, Milk, and Mercy

Here is a Mother's Day challenge for you. Think a little bit about mother's milk, which is miraculous. Read more.

Human Frailty, God's Power

"Medicine, Bioethics, and Spirituality" attracted a capacity crowd of 300-plus to the 5th Annual Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy conference. Read more.

'A Gift of God to Our Time'

Pope John Paul II canonized St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in St. Peter's Square nine years ago on April 30. The following is the homily that the Holy Father gave that day. Read more.

Mercy on His Mind

With stirring words, the Pope summed up our call to engage in a "peaceful battle" of "justice and truth, mercy, forgiveness, and love." Read more.

'Special Graces' and 'Plenary Indulgence': Are They the Same Thing?

What is the difference between the special graces promised by Jesus for devout communicants on Divine Mercy Sunday, and the plenary indulgence for Divine Mercy Sunday devotions that was instituted several years ago by Pope John Paul II? Read more.

'We Pray for Hope and Courage'

"The danger, the violence, the tragic events have increased tremendously. People are frightened," said Fr. Eduardo Ortega. Read more.

A Meditation on the Pieta

After seeing Jesus die on the cross, she finally sees peace in her precious Son's face again. Read more.

Living the Divine Mercy Mandate

It's telling that Pope Benedict, in all three of his statements about the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy, used "Divine Mercy" in the title. Read more.

Making John Paul II's Divine Mercy Legacy Our Own

Pope Benedict is carrying on, even solidifying, the Divine Mercy legacy of his predecessor, John Paul II. Read more.

God's Greatest Attribute: Is It Really?

At the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy in Rome last April, I met a priest who asked a question that I have been turning over in my mind ever since. Read more.

Got Questions?

Here it is: Everything you've wanted to know about Divine Mercy Sunday. Read more.

Why We Pray the Chaplet for the Sick and Dying

An ancient Christian writer wrote that, "Of all divine things, the most divine is to share with God in the saving of souls."
Read more.

Pope of Mercy Under Fire

Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi characterized it as an "unusual document worthy of great attention." Read more.

Patients Can Request It. Doctors and Nurses Can Give It.

It was one of those news stories that made you stop, gulp hard, and wonder darkly what the world was coming to. Read more.

Divine Mercy Conference '09

At the fourth annual Divine Mercy Conference, Divine Mercy experts proclaim the Good News. But they don't mince words. Read more.

The Weakest of the Weak

I have the pleasure of knowing a woman who is a saint in the making. She's my daughter. Read more.

A Conference Call

You are hereby invited to attend the 4th Annual Divine Mercy Conference on Saturday, March 7, in New York City. Read more.

So You Want to Change the World?

We are pleased to introduce a 14-part series to help inspire parish cenacle or study groups this coming Lent. Read more.

'The Lightning Flash of Mercy'

Do we have eyes to see those who are in need in our neighborhoods, parishes, and places of work? Or are we literally passing them by? Read more.

A 'Hunch' About the Holy Father

Pope Benedict's Divine Mercy Mandate, which was just released by Marian Press, had its beginning as a hunch. Read more.

'It Wasn't Long Before I Found Myself Pregnant. I Was 17.'

I shut God out before I could be rejected by Him. Then, Divine Mercy taught me the true nature of God. Read more.

A Church on the Chopping Block

Saint Stan's is more than a footnote in the Divine Mercy movement. What role did it play? Read more.

Through the Eucharist We Actually Become What We Eat!

As we prepare for the great Feast of the Nativity this year, let's try to remember what the real feast spread out before us is. Read more.

Humble Simplicity

In this Christmas season, unite your heart to Jesus through His words to St. Faustina. The following excerpt from the Marians' new daily devotional can serve as your guide. Read more.

More on the Mysteries of Divine Mercy in the Mass

What truth did St. Faustina have dramatically impressed upon her soul immediately after receiving the Blessed Sacrament? Read more.

The Immaculate Conception: the Cause of Our Joy

The Immaculate Conception is a gift solely dependent upon Divine Mercy. Read more.

Thousands of Cenacles, and Counting

Around the world, people are talking about Divine Mercy now more than ever. There's a good reason for that. Read more.

What God Has Offered Us Throughout the Ages

Listen to a radio interview with Divine Mercy expert Dr. Robert Stackpole, STD. Read more.

God and Country, by Means of Divine Mercy

It was probably only a matter of time before Girl Scouts discovered the message of Divine Mercy. Read more.

After the Election, a New Call to Prayer

I believe that we need to cling to Our Lady, to trust in her Son more strongly now than ever, and pray for our new president. Read more.

Saved! But Why to Evangelical Protestantism?

Here's a question that I know bugs a lot of Catholics these days, and I'm glad that one of our readers expressed it so well. Read more.

MOMM Calls for 'All-Out Prayer Blitz'

That means all of us, each day, getting on their knees and spending extra time praying to God for mercy and wisdom for our nation and ourselves. Read more.

Guess What? It's Nothing New!

While bishops meet in Rome for a synod on the richness of the Bible, let's delves into the Old Testament, which is rich in Divine Mercy. Read more.

To 'Lonely,' in South Dakota

I had forgotten all about her, a lonely woman who had called asking for help I could give — except to commend her to God. Read more.

What Do You Want Me to Do, Lord?

In many situations, the possibilities for action seem endless. Usually, we can choose only one course of action, though. How do we know which choice is aligned to "God's will" for our lives? Read more.

Petal Power

Read an excerpt from Fr. Donald Calloway's new book! Read more.

Kansas City's Striking New 'Image'

As his budget would dictate, he had the choice between commissioning a 25-feet-tall, 4-ton statue of The Divine Mercy or an in-ground swimming pool. Read more.

Answered Prayers!

Since its founding in 1995, the Marians' Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline has served more than 1.5 million people who have sought comfort and healing through prayer. Read more.

The Quandary for Catholics: Part Three

Dr. Stackpole finishes his three-part series on the light that the Catholic faith and Divine Mercy can shed on the urgent moral issues of the upcoming election. Read more.

Father Donald Calloway Q&A

Father Donald Calloway, MIC, discusses his new book on the Blessed Virgin Mary's profound influence on the life and spirituality of St. Faustina. Read more.

World Youth Day 2008

It's not surprising that many young Catholics today are inspired by St. Faustina. (She was a non-conformist.) Read more.

What Race Are You In?

Hey, that's not the finish line! That's just the starting gate! Read more.

A Victory for Love and Mercy

He kept a diary in the hospital, and his last entry, on July 25, 1945, ended with "Bless my enemies, too, O Lord." Read more.

Saint Peter Lives in Rome

At first, it was the doctrine of the papacy that really stood in the way of me becoming Catholic. Read more.

Saint Paul's Doctrine of Divine Mercy

His Apostolic letters are an exhortation to practice mercy. Read more.

The Chaplet: A Devotion 'From the Dark Ages'?

Is the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy an example of morose, medieval spirituality? On the contrary! Read more.

Rising Above the Wreckage

At first, it just seemed like another sad news story. But curiously, the camera kept lingering back to the image of The Divine Mercy. Read more.

Knowing What a "Human Being" is Makes a Big Difference!

When you really understand your created dignity and supernatural destiny, it can keep you from wandering down many false and destructive pathways. Read more.

Today's Lesson: 'The Greatest Truth'

They don't mince words — about hell, about Satan, about the temptations of sex and substance abuse, about Christ's call to holiness, and the power of prayer. Read more.

Divine Mercy Comes into View

A dashboard-mounted global positioning system continually marks their place on the map. The words "Jesus, I trust in You" continually marks their place in eternity. Read more.

All Signs Point to Mercy

When you've traveled more than 250,000 miles in nine years bringing Divine Mercy to the people of God, some signs can begin to sound prophetic. Read more.

We Really Are 'Soul Brothers'

Several questions come in about what we mean by the word "soul." Read more.

Life After the Miracle, Part 2

Meet the Digans, who experienced a miracle that led to the beatification of St. Faustina. Read more.

Towering Monstrance Unveiled

Overflow crowd experiences 'a piece of Heaven on Earth.' Read more.

From A Mother's Plea

Through St. Maria Faustina, Jesus shows us how to prepare for the day of justice. Read more.

Reading the Bible the Way St. Faustina and the Saints Did

Why was Jesus so insistent with St. Faustina regarding recommended reading? Read more.

These Graces Were No Accident

You spend your entire life as a parent doing everything you can to raise your kids and protect them and keep them safe, and in one moment ... Read more.

Iconic Monstrance to be Unveiled

He heard a call from Our Lady to build a Sanctuary of The Divine Mercy. Now its "jewel" will be unveiled. Read more.

What is a Saint?

Saint Faustina teaches us not only the meaning of sanctity, but tells us the three most important dispositions that we must have if we are to attain it. Read more.

A Healer and Believer

Dr. Scot Bateman gives the keynote address for the final day of the 4th Annual Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy Conference. Read more.

The Ascension

Christ's Ascension marks the coming of age for those who call themselves His followers. Read more.

Old Habits Die Hard

All of our imperfections and our battles to grow closer to God at times make us wonder if we are making any spiritual progress. Read more.

Divine Mercy's Special Gift

Mary's perfect openness to God "freed" God to work powerfully in her life. Read more.

Congress Looks Ahead

The Congress Convenes!

Love at Its Deepest Level

Mercy is the "common language" that will advance interreligious dialogue, Cardinal says on Day Two of the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy in Rome. Read more.

We've Got the Congress Covered!

Attention readers: Our website, thedivinemercy.org, will provide full coverage of the first-ever World Apostolic Congress on Mercy, which begins in Rome Wednesday, April 2. Read more.

New Cenacle Series Airs

The half-hour shows are now airing weekly on EWTN on Mondays at 2:30 p.m. (EST) and Saturdays at 6:30 a.m. (EST). Read more.

What Theology of the Body Can Teach Us About Mercy

The heart of the connection between Divine Mercy and — yes — human sexuality is Pope John Paul II's stunning definition of love as "self-gift." Read more.

We Can't Give What We Don't Have

In refusing to forgive ourselves, we put ourselves above God. Read more.

Behold the Merciful Savior

This image has become a source of amazing graces for souls who trust in Jesus by venerating or honoring it. Read more.

Graces Received!

I got goose bumps all over when I noticed that on the memorial card was the image of The Divine Mercy! Read more.

Bishop Lori Reflects on Upcoming World Congress

"The purpose of this Congress is to study, to reflect on, to celebrate the message and the reality of the richness and power of God's mercy," said His Excellency, Bishop William E. Lori. Read more.

From the Bronx to the World

How Confession Brings Joy to the Heart of Jesus

The following is the third part in the series, "Reconciliation: the Sacrament of Mercy and Healing." Read more.

Mercy Takes the Mic

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn made it clear that the legacies of Pope John Paul II and St. Faustina were central to the historic gathering. Read more.

Divine Mercy: 'Our Common Catholic Inheritance'

An interview with Dr. Robert Stackpole, whose new book, Divine Mercy: A Guide from Genesis to Benedict XVI, takes the big perspective on mercy. Read more.

Answered Prayers!

Today, we begin the first in an occasional series that shares recent correspondence from people who have turned to the Marians' Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline. Hint: Prayer works! Read more.

Marians Plan Annual Divine Mercy Conference

The all-day gathering will have the theme "Healing and Forgiveness Through God's Mercy." Read more.

911 to The Divine Mercy

Saint Paul writes, "Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil." Read more.

A Gift Fit to Bring a King

"Then He smiled at me ... me and my drum." We, too, can trust Baby Jesus to smile at every gift we bring to Him. Read more.

Humble and Small Like the Christ Child

Our Lord came as a child because, by being human like us, He could begin to take on Himself the whole experience of our human condition, except for sin. Read more.

For All Mankind, to All Mankind

If the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy succeeds, humanity will eventually undergo a radical change for the good. Read more.

Plans for World Congress Hit the Airwaves

The topic: arguably the most exciting news story involving the Divine Mercy movement since the canonization of St. Faustina in 2000.
Read more.

'Man on a Mission'

"Great ... a statue ... so what?" you ask. If you have a devotion to The Divine Mercy, so everything! Read more.

All-Occasion Prayers

Use St. Faustina's Diary to find prayers for the Hour of Great Mercy, to thank God, to honor Our Lady, and for the grace to be merciful. Read more.

The 'Hour of Great Mercy'

Christ begs us to ask for His mercy on the whole world by pausing at the 3 o'clock hour — the hour that recalls His death on the cross. Read more.

Mercy's Essential Ingredient

There's an important ingredient to the Divine Mercy message besides placing the Image in our homes, praying the Chaplet, and celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday. Putting mercy into action is not just an option — it's a requirement! Read more.

The Basics of Divine Mercy

When it comes to the essentials, it's OK to be a "block head." We can call to mind the message of Divine Mercy simply by remembering our ABCs. Read more.

Divine White Living Room

Source: https://www.marian.org/divinemercy/